Apr 02, 2005 16:22
It's been a week since my last entry, go figure. Anyway...the dance!
*sigh* Had some good points (some...very, VERY good points *smiles happily*) and some bad. Although, most of the bad happened AFTER the dance. But we don't need to go into THAT (and being as how i wasn't there when it happened, I can't exactly comment on what happened.). However! The dance itself was very very very very very very fun.
-Getting home fromt he hair place with 20 minutes to get ready
-Finding a kink in my necklace, and having to find a quick replacement
-The dog having a fit outside because he can't come in to jump on Evan
-Evan giving me flowers.
-Being extremely cold because I had no jacket
-Squeezing into an extremely small space for pictures
-Having at least 25 parents taking pictures multiple times
-Having the same thing happen once the very late people got there
-Getting to the dance and realizing someone was there and looking quite RAVISHING
-Using the word Ravishing multiple times in 10 minutes (all necessary, of course)
-Having drunk jocks coming over and randomly start grinding on us
-Telling them to 'va te faire foutre' (in English, of course)
-Doing the Twp Shuffle during a racy rap song with Joe
-John commandeering me and Maeve to directly in front of the speakers (where, of course, we stayed)
-Taking pictures with the ice cream
-Getting my dress caught in my shoes
-Andrew and I figuring out that the 'Inappropriate Dancing Police' have been on coffee break since 7PM
-The above sounds like WE were doing the inappropriate dancing. Not so.
-Kayla and I deciding on how to take on the drunk jocks (I verbally, she physically)
-Trying to teach Andrew the Electric Slide
-And him ending up doing it better than I could
-Hanging out with Erin and Amanda after the dance
-The HORRIBLENESS of 'Garden State'
-'Uhuh.' 'Nuhuh'. 'Mehuh.'
All in all, an amazing evening.