Hullo. This is a sticky post. I think. I’m not entirely sure what that means- like people click it and get sucked into a whirling vortex/black hole/that other time-space continuum? Sure. Let’s run with that.
So this is an intro to my fic and me. Well.
click in the name of love )
So, could I friend you? I'm Liz, by the way. Hi!
I'd love to be friends! (And psst- we have the same name! Fate?)
[Also, this is random and semi-strange of me to ask, but were you the one who either a) sent me the lovely anonymous v-gift or b) left the lovely anonymous comment on one of my stories a few weeks ago? :)]
Yay friends! And it's absolutely fate. Liz's of the world unite (and obsess over TVD)!!!
Alas, I was not one of those people. I wish I had been that thoughtful. But frankly, I'm pretty new to livejournal, and actually have no idea how any of those v-gift things work. But I'll endeavor to learn!
I'm getting better at LJ, but I've kept it pretty basic. Someday I should probably learn how to deal with icons, but that might be beyond my computer skills range...I've mastered italics, however, which I use more than frequently, so that's good news. :)
And congrats on getting some lovely icons! <3 Carolineeeeeeee. Love that girl. And if you ever want any LJ help, just send it my way! I too am truly awful at using technology (html a;lfkja;rj), but I have been learning as I go along and getting better. :)
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