"Freedom at Point Zero"

May 28, 2011 00:42

“Freedom at Point Zero”

Prompt (by mad_server): Dean gets sick after the Jefferson Starship incident. Sam and/or Bobby watch him like a hawk. Written for the Running Hot feverfic meme, hosted by ariadnes_string.

A/N: Um… angstier than I was intending, sorry! I'm excising it by proxy. Title from the Jefferson Starship album of the same name.

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i eat angst for breakfast, [genre: gen], gratuitous stephen king reference, fever, supernatural, fanfiction, sick!dean

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Comments 40

kalliel May 28 2011, 10:12:55 UTC
That was Airplane, not Starship. XD Oh god. <33

I loved the progression of Dean's fever, and the added paranoia re: Jefferson Starshipdom. And I mentioned fever, right? And Dean being tiiiiiired! <3

it's been a long night okay I have no brain left I'm sorry! but I adore Dean H/Cness at any hour!

This was lovely and awesome. Thank you for sharing!


vie_dangerouse May 29 2011, 03:56:58 UTC
Um, I adore you at any hour!

Haha, now I'm super tempted to go around mentioning Jefferson Starship hits so that people can ask me "hey, wasn't that the band that did "White Rabbit?" and I can be all "HAH! THAT WAS AIRPLANE, NOT STARSHIP" because I feel like this would greatly justify all the research I did on Jefferson Starship lyrics for this fic omg.

Thank you so much, lovely!


kalliel May 29 2011, 09:30:48 UTC
I approve of this plan!

Also, I just wanted to let you know that I've had the scene with Dean's fever spiking and Bobby driving the Impala and the flipbook flipbooking all day long. <3__<3


jaimeykay May 28 2011, 16:00:03 UTC
Aw, I loved this. I haven't read any good brotherly h/c in a while and this was just perfect :)

“Fuck,” Sam says. (No one ever said it was a kid’s book.)

♥ !


vie_dangerouse May 29 2011, 03:59:12 UTC
Aww, thank you! I feel like I just have to indulge in shameless h/c every so often and this was it! :)


ariadnes_string May 28 2011, 18:00:47 UTC
“You should check out that fever,” Bobby tells him. “Or would you like having your organs turn to goo?”

“Well, it’d be something new.”

aw, Dean!

lovely fill, bb--thank you!


vie_dangerouse May 29 2011, 04:00:06 UTC
Yayyy, I'm so glad I got the opportunity to partake of your lovely meme! I'm glad you liked this! :)


callistosh65 May 28 2011, 19:08:35 UTC
Nicely done! I enjoyed the way you built up Dean's fever in stages.


vie_dangerouse May 29 2011, 04:05:16 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


mad_server May 28 2011, 20:39:51 UTC
Oh man. So good! Bobby and Sam converging on Dean in the parking lot over travel mugs of coffee and gang-forehead-feeling him... GOD YES. Bobby driving the Impala while Sam sits in the backseat with Dean's head in his lap... baaaaby! It's true, it's such a things-are-not-at-all-okay image. And Dean babbling about octopi. Augh. SO CUTE. With the phoenix ash he'd drank, especially, this out-of-nowhere fever is awesomely credible, and the love and concern Bobby-and-Sam-styles was just what I wanted. Thank you sooooo much. Oh and I almost forgot, the picture of Bobby shaking his head, in the feverish hallucination book. Hee! ♥


vie_dangerouse May 29 2011, 04:13:28 UTC
Yayyyy! (Rampant yay-ing.) I'm really happy that you liked this! (It's so interesting, like when I write for someone I know, I want 10,000 times more to make sure that they like it, so YES.)

This whole fic came to me right after I woke up yesterday, starting with the image of Bobby driving the Impala, and then it turned into: Sam with Dean's head in his lap omg what am I doing writing cuddling lol. I'm glad the phoenix ash thing worked, also, because I didn't want to get into the whole Jefferson Starship/Dean turning into a monster hybrid thing, but then I came up with that instead.

And if I keep typing I'm going to ramble randomly a bunch, so: thank you for the great prompt! I really needed to write something like that. And thank you for the love! ♥


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