i'm not there

May 12, 2011 20:50

Dearest Flist,

Just writing to say that I'm going to have to be scarce around here for a while, starting now and lasting until JUNE SIXTH. I don't know if anyone has brushed up on their history lately, but that is the new and improved date of D-Day. Don't believe all that hype... hang on. OH MY GOSH, GUYS, I JUST LOOKED IT UP AND JUNE SIXTH IS THE ACTUAL DATE OF D-DAY. I WAS GOING TO BE ALL FACETIOUS AND SUCH BUT I DON'T EVEN HAVE TO BE. IT REALLY, TRULY IS. WHAT ARE THE ODDS. WHAT.

MOVING ON, THOUGH. What I was trying to say is that I am taking my LSAT (law school admissions test) on June 6, because I want to be Stanford Sammy. Although in order to do so, I'm going to have to cut down on Internet time A LOT/ENTIRELY until the exam is over, because after my finals week (next week), that is all I will be doing- practicing for the test.

Which means, furthermore- no reading/writing fanfic, unless I do it with a notebook and a goddamn pen, which, don't think I won't. I am giving ONE concession, though- I haven't been tagged yet for the silverbullets challenge, so if that comes up I will do that, but that is IT.

In other news, I just finished writing a fic with i_speak_tongue and had a complete blast. We mixed up The Departed and SPN and I was going to make a joke here about "shaken, not stirred" but that's James Bond anyhow and besides I really don't think the Winchesters care all that much how their drinks are prepared.

And because I'm abandoning any pretense that I had any idea what I was writing about when I started this post, randomly, my summer plans, writing-wise, include:
- finishing/rewriting a novel
- sending out lots of short stories and spending a small fortune on postage
- writing an S5 epic wherein Pestilence gets a starring role. I mean, really. There was so much goodness that could have been there. SO MUCH.
- potentially more fic starring Ruby or Meg. Love those girls.

Okay. Too much more rambling, and I'm going to turn into Robert Plant.

Until the end- (JUNE SIXTH)!

(Picture of Bob Dylan because, well, WHY NOT.)

my semi-charmed life, i love caps lock

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