Registration is live !!!
You can now go to and register for the con, that will take place on 9th-10th April 2011, in Cardiff Bay.
Note: you will need to create an account to be able to register.
If you have any questions or issues, please email me at Just as a reminder of the registration prices and options you can purchased at registration.
Registration will close on March 20th for both Supporting and Attending memberships, however, you need to be registered by March 6th to be featured in the program.
- Registration Prices
Attending Membership : 40 pounds (Registrations fees will be raised to 52 pounds by February 6th)
Supporting/Non-Attending Membership: 16 pounds
- Options for attendings
At Registration, you will be able to purchase the additionnal things
- Saturday Dinner Ticket - 12 pounds : A buffet will be served in the con room (Example of menu, as indication : Mixed Filled baguettes and wraps, Lime coriander Chicken kebab, Potato Salad, Home made pizzas, (...) Fruit Platter and Mini Dessert (The buffet includes some vegetarian food))
- Additionnal Premieres DVD - 5 pounds : you will get an additionnal copu of the con DVD featuring the con's premieres.
- Vid bazaar Ticket : 4 pounds If you want to sell your vid DVDs, a small table will display your work and our vid bazaar volunteer will collect the money for you.
- Volunteering : By choosing yes, you are agreeing to give a little bit of your time (max: 1 hour) to help out at the con. it could be helping setting up tables, plugging material, helping clean up etc. You will be contacted a bit before the con by Buffyann who will give you a job if needed.
- "Plus one" Saturday Evening Ticket - 20 Pounds: if you are one to come to the con/cardiff with your significant other or a friend that is not necesseraly interested in the whole con, we're offering the opportunity for a "Plus one" ticket that will grant your plus one access to the dinner buffet and the evening program that follows (2 hours show which will most likely be nearly new and premieresvids).