Wow, I'm posting this only about six weeks after the fact...
Here are the 16 vids that I put together for the Slash Vidshow at
vidukon. Thank you so much to the vidders who participated and to
halcyon_shift and
doccy for burning the disc.
Slash Vidshow Playlist, VidUKon 2008
As an overview, this playlist reflects my desire to have a good balance of m/m slash to f/f slash; I also wanted to feature a broad spectrum of fandoms, including one anime fandom. Below, I've included a few notes on why I chose the individual vids that I did.
Cry Me A River by
charmax (Lost & Delirious): Any vid that co-opts a Justin Timberlake song (in this case, a cover) for slashy purposes is golden in my book. I love the clarity of the narrative: I didn't need to know anything about the movie this is based on because I enjoyed Charmax's re-telling of it probably more than I would like the movie itself.
All I Want Is You by
ferdalump (Smallville): Clex mpreg! How could I not include this vid? My favorite fannish trope combined with my slash OTP? A no-brainer. Plus, this vid is so clever, using outside sources to really drive home the narrative. This is one of the few vids in the show that provoked an audible response from the audience; there were giggles throughout. :)
The Way I Am by
killabeez (Supernatural): I knew that I wanted to include a Wincest vid, so I was delighted to see this vid posted just days before I made my final selections. Actually, this vid is so sweet and light-hearted that the slash reading is almost optional.
Like A Stone by
sdwolfpup (Prison Break): This vid is the epitome of slash for me: the sexual tension is all in the suggestion, in the re-framing of the clips, in the slow, sustained build from the beginning to the end.
Memory Vid by
kiki_miserychic (Battlestar Galactica): I love the look of this vid, the artistry and the smut.
Crush by
proofpudding (Gossip Girl): The vidder describes this as a "lush and romantic view of Chuck and Nate's friendship throughout the first season", which it definitely is. It's also gorgeous to look at.
Song of Truth by
bradcpu (Firefly): I love the alternate world that Brad creates here; the idea of River and Inara as lovers is extremely compelling.
You Make Me Wanna by
obsessive24 (Skins): This vid is sexy and fun and flows smooth as silk.
A Little Less Conversation by
mamoru22 (Boston Legal): This vid is a straight shot of joy and humor, guaranteed to put a smile on your face.
Calling the Moon by
butterfly (Buffy the Vampire Slayer): The depth of emotion that this vid calls up startled me; before I knew what was happening, I had tears in my eyes. I felt the tragedy of Tara's death so much more strongly in this vid than I ever did when I watched the show.
Mouth by
kuwdora (Heroes): This vid does a great job of illustrating the sick, obsessive vibe that makes the Sylar/Mohinder pairing intriguing.
Babyskin Tattoo by
astandra_lay (Multi-fandom): I like fact that this vid turns an unflinching gaze on the way that we in fandom have sexualized the violence between men.
Scrapbook of My Life by
mamoru22 (Stargate: Atlantis): This vid makes cuteness an art. [VJ's note: Sadly, this vid did not make it into the final show because of mysterious FTP wonkiness. I simply couldn't get it to upload properly. My apologies!]
Gloria by
sweetestdrain (The Sarah Connor Chronicles): Another "classic" slash vid, in my opinion. Clever editing, a little bit of external source sleight of hand, and BAM, instant sexual tension between the female leads.
Blurry by
dayln03 (Hard Core Logo): I wanted to include this vid to showcase what special effects can do when in the service of slash.
Wait Behind The Red Line by
wistful_fever (Fullmetal Alchemist): As I mentioned earlier, I knew I wanted to include at least one anime vid in this show. Luckily, Fabella had this beautiful one on-hand. :)
Cross-posted to my personal journal.