Apr 14, 2008 15:35
I saw a fat bumble bee land on a flower a tenth its size and only a few inches tall.
The flower immediately buckled, and the bumble bee smacked into the grass along with the flower.
And then I thanked the fat bumble bee for not stinging me when I laughed at it.
Furthermore, I am trying feverishly to save money.
...But there is a hole in my wallet somewhere that leads to another universe. So saving is the same as spending, it seems.
I need need need to find a place to live by July. Or else I'm homeless.
I want to live in the woods, because I can guarantee I will go crazy if I'm surrounded just by buildings and other manmade scourges of nature.
I want to remain nearby to Purchase, Brewster, work, and a train station to go to the city, because if I'm going to live alone, I don't want to feel all alone. Because then I will also go crazy.
I need to find a different job. One that will pay me more than 20 grand a year. Because with the price of rent, I can afford food, but almost only food. And if I, say, have to pay for oh, I dunno, an oil change, a broken thumb, friggin' contacts...whatever, then, essentially, I can't eat.
And I'll leave on this remark:
I need to stop needing. God. Damn.