My nose runs continually during season changes, and the winter, and most of summer, there’s about 2 weeks in May where I’m ok.
I’m a terrible long distance friend. I always forget to call back and I only call when I’m feeling lonely or depressed.
When I’m happy I jump up and down and dance and smile and laugh and beg people with my eyes to ask me what I’m so excited about.
I tell lies to get out of doing things I don’t want to do.
I cannot lie in the presence of anyone who I know knows I am lying.
I like to sleep against the wall because I am terrified of falling out of bed. I fell off a bunk bed once and have never recovered mentally.
I love that chilly cold nose cold ear feeling that I associate with fall.
I always feel like I’m faking something if I try to wear a skirt. Or like I need an entire new persona to pull it off. I feel incredibly awkward and shishi most of the time. It’s something that I’m trying to get in the habit wearing but I’m always worried about getting into a fight of some sort and being unable to defend myself correctly. Or being chased by a serial killer and not being able to run properly.
I’m at work right now.
I’m really afraid that I will find a way to screw things up with Brian the way I mess everything else up.
I want to have long hair. I can’t stand that in between stages where it’s between nape of neck and shoulder length. That’s where my hair is now.
There is the distinct chance that my gallbladder will have to be removed. Soon.
Speaking of stomach problems, my ulcer seems to be back in full force.
I wear my glasses to hide the bags under my eyes.
I’ve never been good at being girly. I never wore a lot of jewelry (I lose most of it) or the aforementioned skirts. I hated brushing my hair. And I can never keep a pair of shoes on.
They probably don’t even realize it but the 2 people most responsible for mine and Brian’s relationship are Kaitlin and Maggie.
I’m constantly choreographing dances I can’t do in my head.
I hate speaking in public.
If anyone who has any authority calls my name I assume that I am in trouble.
I don’t like sierra mist. No matter how much I like Michael Ian Black and the rest of the witty people that endorse it, I don’t like sierra mist. Sprite that’s the way to go.
I play with my face when I am bored.
I tend to wear clothes that are too big for me so that my Mother won’t say anything about me looking like a hootchie cootchie girl. I say this because I’m a size 8 now but the pants I am wearing are a size 12 and it’s almost embarrassing how baggy they are
I really don’t like being by myself. Even if it’s someone else upstairs not talking to me, I don’t like being alone.
My father was an alcoholic and I would never forgive myself if I ended up just like him. I’ve given up drinking.
I’ve been working on this thing for a week when I remember and am not busy at work.
My eyes are brown and my hair is dark, my coloring is olive and I think all of that rolls into me being incredibly plain.
Mercy, Grace, and Peace, If I have 3 girls, that’s what I want their names to be.
Gabriel, Elijah, and Benjamin, those are the boys’ names.
I hate racist jokes.
My mother started calling me a bitch when I was in the 4th grade. She started hitting me then too. I had to explain black eyes, bruises, the inability to sit down or lean back and nail marks thru high school. It’s not perfect now, but the physical violence has stopped.
Sometimes I think I am perpetually screwed up.
I go thru a small period of depression whenever Brian and I separate.
Brian Wilcoxon is destined to make the world a better place. I’m sure of it.
I get jealous really easily. I try not to show it but it comes out anyway.
I was sexually assaulted in college. There. I said it.
I really like this job. I really like all the people who work here. It keeps me busy and I don’t get bored very often.
I’m thinking about getting a Masters degree in College Personnel. So I can be the gentler, kinder, more human version of Dean Massood.
There was a time in my life where I truly believed that I did not deserve to be loved.
I want to get married in the Catholic Church, but I want Kathleen Fannin to do the wedding
My taste in music is so random. I don’t know if that means that it’s bad or just eclectic.
I hate my singing voice. I can’t sing in public without shaking.
I bite my nails all the time, I also pick my teeth with what nails I have.
I smoke when I stress out.
I’m probably the worst friend to have in terms of staying in touch. I know this but people have to confront me about it all the time.
My hands and feet are the only dainty parts about me.
I really miss drawing and painting. I used to do it 2-3 hours a day in high school but when I decided not to be an Art major, I gave it up. I’m actually pretty good.
I would do anything and give anything up for any of my siblings.
I read the Bible when I get really upset.
If I’m pissed off and really bitchy, the best way to knock me out of it is to make me look in a mirror. I can’t stand the way I look when I’m angry.
I really just want to do something that matters with my life. I don’t want anyone to look at me and think I am wasting space.