i think i am the biggest idiot on the face of the planet. have you ever had something happening to you that is making you miserable, and only YOU can stop it, only you can make it better, but you refuse to for one reason or another? i wish i was a smart girl. i wish i was strong for myself, i wish i could stand on my own. i wish i didn't feel so dependent on others, like i NEED them in my life. i think i'd be so much happier, yanno? i vowed to keep my life drama-free from now on, considering the past two years of my life have been incredibly OVER dramatic. i've done a decent job i guess, at least with my own drama. but i keep getting sucked in to other peoples'. and it's so stupid. yeah, i care about them and want to help them but it's bringing me down. it's making me even more sad than i already am and ruining my good time. it's ridiculous. i'm ridiculous.
Here's how you play: Once you've been 'tagged', you have to write a blog of 20 weird / random facts/ habits/goals about yourself. At the end choose 20 people to be tagged , listing their names and WHY you chose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment ( You're IT ! ) and tell them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you, since you can't tag me back - let me know when you've posted your blog so I can see your answers.
1. i'm a big woman loving lesbian (: mhmmmm.
2. i'm only about five feet tall. i'm teeny tiny height wise, and also a bit of a chubster. but i've grown to be comfortable in my own skin.
3. i'm 16; i look 12. it's a terrible thing, really. it runs in my family i think. it'll be good when i'm older though. my mom is almost 43 and i swear she doesn't look a day past 34ish.
4. i smoke (cigs mostly, weed sometimes but only on certain occasions), i drink (i'm a huge lightweight and also extremely picky about alcohol, i hate the taste of most of it), i swear like a sailor. i am by no means a lady.
5. the amount of hairspray i use on a daily basis is probably the main cause of global warming. i should probably care more about the environment, but i can't seem to make myself.
6. i'm one of those people that loves their dog to pieces, i give him kisses and stuff. yeah, i'm disgusting. but i don't go so far as to dress him up or anything, and there's no weird bestiality thing going on, promise.
7. i'd give anything for a chance to be dani campbell (from a shot at love with tila tequila)'s girlfriend.
8. speaking of a shot at love, i can't seem to stop watching mtv reality shows even though they're the least realistic thing ever, and i know it. i really wanna go on one, maybe one of the gay~ editions of parental control (which would work, because my mom hates my choice of girlfriends) or next or something.
9. my entire family is musically inclined, except for me. i can sing decently, but no matter how hard i try i just can not seem to be able to play an instrument. i have tried violin, flute, clarinet, piano, AND guitar. i fail at life. ):
10. i'm extremely sarcastic. my friend Melanie compared my personality to the character Rizzo from Grease.
11. i don't go to regular high school, but if i did i would be a sophomore. i do a homestudy program at a school called OFL (opportunities for learning). i meet with my teacher every tuesday and thursday from 11-12. the rest of the time i do work on my own, i study for six hours+ a day (five hours is required by law for my program).
12. i want to be a hairdresser when i 'grow up'. i don't care about the money at all, it's just something i love to do. if you want your hair done, you should let me know. i'm doing everything free for now (unless you want extensions or a dye job, you gotta pay for the hair/dye) to build my portfolio.
13. i tend to go for the "pretty dyke" type of a girl, as i would say. (ie: Dani Campbell, the character Shane from The L Word [played by Katherine Moennig], etc)
14. i can relate almost any song you have me listen to a moment in my life. sometimes it sucks; lately i find myself hating music because i'm going through a bad breakup and every single song i listen to reminds me of it/her, no matter how cliche that is. haha.
15. i can't dance. i REALLY can not dance.
16. i take a long time to get ready in the morning, but i do it for my own benefit. i really don't care what other people think i look like. i just like looking in the mirror and enjoying what i see. but i also don't mind waking up, throwing my hair in a ponytail and wearing my pjs out to go somewhere.
17. i'm a huge 'giver'. it's gotten me into trouble in past relationships where i have dated... 'taker's. just don't try to take advantage of that, i WILL wise up.
18. i am easily fooled and i hate that about myself. i trust too easily, too. it gets me hurt quite often.
19. i think i have an old soul for the most part.
20. i've been told that i put up a front around most people i don't know or trust well, because i get nervous and uneasy. but once you break down that wall and get to know the real me, supposedly you will love me.