Closing day tomorrow! Moving day tomorrow!! New bed tomorrow!! Washer/dryer on Saturday! ADVENTURE!
Last night was our walk through, and the first time we saw the house empty. I am pretty excited. The house is far from perfect, but there is something about it that makes me smile. It seems to have a bit more character than typical split entry starter homes... No, it doesn't have a bathroom off the master bedroom. Yes, it has marbles glued to the bathroom wall and a weird banister. But it has a finished bathroom downstairs! And a nice open kitchen! And a big garage! And lots of storage! I am excited!
I just need to finish throwing things in boxes. Packing a kitchen sucks. Everything is breakable and heavy. At least I don't have to worry about trusting movers not to break things, since we are moving everything ourselves and we are only moving 5 minutes away.
Packing would be easier if I didn't have so many distractions... Like raiding in WoW.... or crocheting hotpads (see below)....
Now I just need to get through work today! Which will be difficult, as my mind is wandering every other direction but here!! Oh well. One hour down!!