
Jan 15, 2011 17:17

+ I successfully strung and test-drew my bow today! Now I just need to ... get arrows. A project for Monday.

+ I have Monday off work!

- I have to work tomorrow afternoon.

+ Pasta fagioli: also delicious with black beans. Om nom nom.

- Mouth: scalded. Someday I will learn to let food cool. Someday.

+ Went for a walk in the snow.
- Spent much of it thinking "man, I would not have survived as a member of the Donner Party at all."
+ The likelihood of my ever being a member of the Donner Party is so low as to be not worth worrying about!

+ Yesterday's mail included the first issue of Wired from the fundraiser-subscription I bought from my nephew, and there is a robot on the cover!

- Today's mail when I got home from walking in the snow, which included a "couldn't hold my interest" rejection for the story about books, and I think there is going to be aggravating format-fiddling before it can go out again.

+ December Lights, a collection of short stories which are good in any month of the year. A lot of short skiffy fiction is rather ... grim, for my taste, and these stories are a wonderful antidote to that and to the dark time of the year. My especial favorites included:

Queen of the Kitchen by karenhealey (cooking! magic! cooking magic!)
The Tanuki-Kettle by Eugie Foster (talking tea-kettle! finally finding out what a tanuki is when it's not a suit! fairy tale!)
Currer Bell Comes to America by merriehaskell (I ... want so much fanfic, er, companion stories?, it is not even funny)
Undead Philosophy 101 by stephanieburgis (vampires in East Lansing!).

a story about books, foods, rejection, archery, recs

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