A few things.

Sep 07, 2009 13:18

After my last post, I found a job posting, rather as if I had called it into being, and applied for it, so. Fingers officially crossed and now I have to spend four weeks not biting my nails over it until the actual deadline for applications passes.

Ahem. So! Pictures of things in my apartment!

Sunday morning I woke up and went to get a glass of water only to discover a shelf of icicles growing sideways across the pitcher. So I guess turning the fridge temperature all the way down was a bad idea.

This is--or eventually will be--the scarf I talked about knitting last winter, with buttonholes and eventually, one hopes, buttons, to make it easy to secure across the face when arctic wind comes howling across the prairies. Somehow working on it--or anything knitting-related--did not seem appealing over the summer, so I just recently picked this up again and started working on it. You can see the line where I a) kind of had to remember how to knit all over again and then b) discovered that you should absolutely not try making a buttonhole when you're on the purl side. In case you had been wondering.

(I remember reading, in some book or other about How To Write, that a reader cannot tell anything about the writing process from the finished product, including at what point the author walked away from the story for months or years before picking it up again. I have found that to be pretty true with writing, but, clearly, not so much for knitting.)

I rearranged my living room the other night, because there is some kind of wacky fuse situation going on in my house, and the outlet where I had my TV/DVD player/VCR/Nintendo/cable box/modem/router plugged in had become unreliable. I moved all the entertainment electronics to a different wall and a different outlet (and, hopefully, a different circuit) but this resulted in an unsightly--and, me being me, moderately dangerous--line of cable running across the floor.

taimsesasta suggested that a rug might help, a suggestion Julie ratified, so the next day I went to KMart at lunch and bought the first rug that was kind of cool looking for $30. Judging by the packaging it's intended for a small (male) child's bedroom, but hey, I like it. And it covers up that cord pretty nicely, too.

knitting, pictures

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