01. I value my spell check - though I don't often use it outside of Microsoft and Yahoo.
02. I have a thing for English accents. 8D
03. I like the Twilight series. But I am not a fabid fan girl, so don't expect a shovel to pop you on the head if you're on team Jacob (I'm Team Edward!).
04. Yet, I'll still watch "Vampire Sucks" for lols. It actually looks like a parody that has merith.
05. I've taken four years of Spanish and only remember the basics. I've done about three months of Japanese and all but forgot everything.
06. Batman is my overall favorite super hero (although watching Smallville, Superman is giving him a run for his money).
07. For the past couple of seasons, Smallville remains my favorite TV long running series. I especially love the chemistry between Erica Durance and Tom Welling. There's also the great special effects.
08. I've lived in an oblivious bubble until my junior year. Though, I do have a decent boy radar. Talk about a late bloomer.
09. I use to drink coffee for several months until I made one bad cup. I've drank one cup ever since then - not of my own making and certainly wouldn't drive just for a cup...unless I knew I would be facing a world of demons
10. I've never drank alcohol before my 21st birthday - aside from a few sips of wine cooler.
11. Although I'm a Democrat, I'll vote for the better guy regardless. It's politics, not a relationship (ie, no committment required).
12. I have a werid sense of humor. Not twisted. Just werid.
13. Even the worse horror movie would probably make me a bit paranoid. How lame.
14. You have not known of an authentic candy lover until you've read this.
15. I use to be a romantic, not I'm more of a skeptic. Thank you Sasuke Uchiha.
16. Love isn't blind as it does see the flaws and sometimes choosing to ignore the small things. But is inparital to race and gender.
17. Age is a number. So, all those stories about teenagers and their teachers and such? Yeah, it will start to weigh down when one is applying for medicare and the other is hitting their mid life crisis.
18. Overly sappy movies or shoujo manga will either make me roll my eyes or click that handy exit button. I confess I snickered and eyerolled through the first part of the Twilight movie.