Eh, it's been a really weird last few days for me for some reason. My cravings are getting worse (
Gohan got to go out and find fresh watermelon for me last night) and I'm really starting to feel Colin move. I reach my 5 month mark on Wednesday and I'm starting to get a little belly. I don't think Colin is going to be as big as what
Pan was cause if all of you remember by 5 months carrying her I already had quite the belly. I went to the doctors this morning and she said that Colin is doing wonderfully and right on schedule. It's so exciting too. Gohan and I started discussing what Colin's room is going to look like and whether or not we should get
Bardock's help with furniture and such things.
The dojo is busier than ever, we've already sold a lot of tickets to the tournament on the 28th. This just excites the kids even more, although I think nerves are starting to get the best of them too. The sword demonstration that
Tapion has put together looks great! And the kids are having a blast doing it too. I still have a few tickets left for anyone that wants to come!!!