It's been a week of shopping for me! Since we found out what sex the baby's going to be (Which we've decided we're definately naming Colin Michael)
Crystal and
Pan have been going out with me and buying all kinds of clothes and blankets and things like that for the baby. Both
Gohan and I agreed that we weren't going to buy anything blue though, just in case it turns out to be wrong. We also decided that we're going to have baby Colin's tail removed when he's born, if he does end up with one. Which I would say there's like, a REALLY good chance that he will, but what do I know right?
Gohan and I have been going to all kinds of home improvement stores trying to pick out what exactly we want the decor of the kitchen to look like. I'm kind of set on green counter tops and cream floors. Gohan's set on blue counter tops and pale yellow floors. *cringes* I don't care what's coming back in style, I don't want pale yellow floors. *chuckles* We're trying to reach a middle ground, but it's proving to be more difficult than we thought. Hopefully we'll be getting started on it next week, but at this rate, who knows? *g*
The kids at the dojo are truly excited. We've decided we're going to have a mini interdojo tournament. That way we can see if they are ready for a big tournament. They're all determined to show
Tapion, Crystal and I that they're ready. I'll let everyone know how it goes.
That's all for now I guess! Time for my midmorning chocolate craving buster!!! *g*