(no subject)

Nov 15, 2005 16:58

I am so fucking forgetful, it's ridiculous. Last night, Lance and I were discussing all the stupid nights I have to take off for Thanksgiving dinners. Tuesday night at my moms. Sunday night at his moms. He also thinks I should have Thanksgiving day off just because, but I told him I didn't NEED to take Thanksgiving off.

I just started a new job, and I don't want to have to request 3 DAYS off in one week when I've only been working there for a week. Today, my supervisor told me I would be starting afternoons next week (which is what I want). Stupidly, I forgot to even mention that I needed Tuesday and Sunday off. Now, I have to tell him tomorrow, after the fact.

GOD DAMN that pisses me off. I swear, I don't even think sometimes.

Today was crazy for me. A patient had a seizure right in front of me and I had to yell "NURSE!" at the top of my lungs. I felt so fucking helpless and was quite upset over the whole thing. Also, while doing an intake assessment, I left my keys on the desk, and another PCS picked them up. He hid them from me to teach me a lesson. If a staff member loses their keys, we have to lock down the whole unit until they're found. And yesterday, after helping with a new intake, I was supposed to lock this mans suitcase in the sharps room because it had things in it he's not supposed to have. Apparently, I left it in his room and another PCS found it this morning. I had to hear about that today, too.

I don't blame myself for these things though. I'm a brand new employee and they've just thrown me into the mix to do things on my own and trust me with stuff I don't even know how to handle. I should be following someone or visa versa.
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