Vid challenge: 2010 Eid ka Chand fest

Aug 10, 2010 14:24

Greetings all! I hesitate to bury this announcement amidst the deluge of lovely post-Vividcon vid announcements, but since I figure even a day or two might make the difference between a tight deadline and an impossible one...

eid_ka_chand, which I co-mod, is running its annual Eid al-Fitr challenge! We welcome fanworks of all kinds focusing on fictional Muslim characters, and we would be especially excited to see vids.

The master list of fictional Muslim characters features a number of visual sources to choose from, and I personally will be happy to aid and abet you in tracking down something shiny and easily viddable, both song- and source-wise.

The challenge goes live between 10th and 12th September, which is, admittedly, a very tight turnaround for making a vid. But if you consider it a run-up for festivids and even manage to make a teeny tiny little vidlet, you'd be making many of us very happy, and also creating recruiter bait for a new fandom.

Please consider signing up on Dreamwidth or LiveJournal!
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