Club Vivid -
Title: Just the One
Fandom: Dead Like Me
Music: Just the One by The Levellers
Spoilers: S1-S2
An empty head for an empty purse.
Title: Throwing Stones
Fandom: The Closer
Music: Throwing Stones by Paula Cole
Spoilers: S1-S3
"Interrogating people, getting to the truth and knowing the right thing to do politically are two very different things. In fact, to do either of them very well, you have to pretty much ignore one of them altogether, which is what I've done. So now, I'm in trouble again..." - Brenda in ep 113: Standards and Practices
Non-Attending Premiere -
Title: Unforgivable?
Fandom: Harry Potter
Music: I Think It's Gonna Rain Today by Claudine Longet
Spoilers: all movies
Imperio, Crucio, and Avada Kedavra aren't the only ways to control, hurt, and kill in the wizarding world. Compassion seems a rare commodity; fortunately, that's where Luna comes in.
Title: Stars
Fandom: Dexter
Music: Stars by The Weepies
Spoilers: S1-S3
All it takes is a little faith and a lot of heart, sweetheart.
Challenge -
Title: When You Wish
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Music: When You Wish Upon a Star by Cecilia
Spoilers: S1-S4
Makes no difference who you are.
All of the above's lyrics and download links can be found