Dec 17, 2008 12:06
Fact #10: AIDS impacts everything (medically-speaking). Every section we do, every drug, every disease, every disorder, every bit of biochemistry, every...anything, there's a mention of how AIDS alters it or is altered by it, or how AIDS has affected our understanding of it. It comes up over and over and over again, way beyond simply learning to diagnose and treat. It is strange to think that just two decades ago medical schools would have taught things differently. All this information was only just being realized. Now, every organ system we do, we either have a whole lecture dedicated to AIDS or it will come up over and over in multiple lectures. It isn't just that we need to be able to recognize AIDS-defining illnesses, and to treat the virus. AIDS has actually given us a huge amount of information about how various disorders happen and how our immune systems function. I don't know if I sound like a total insensitive jerk writing this, so I want to make clear that AIDS is a horrific thing and that by suggesting it's interesting I don't mean that I am glad it's around, or anything like that. I just mean...I just mean that I think that one of the biggest changes in medical education in the last few decades is that now we learn about AIDS, and that it comes up pretty much every week.
In other news, I went climbing yesterday and my arms are sore. Also, I found my keys. This is a big deal. Oh, and I can't wait to take Esther climbing in Columbus. You are going to love it!