Quizzes suck.
This one made me feel all warm and fuzzy at 2:18 AM, when I was awake but really shouldn't have been.
You are water. You're not really organic; you're
neither acidic nor basic, yet you're an acid
and a base at the same time. You're strong
willed and opinionated, but relaxed and ready
to flow. So while you often seem worthless,
without you, everything would just not work.
People should definitely drink more of you
every day.
Which Biological Molecule Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla Other news: Project Grad ... yeah. Won $200. Laughed my ass off at the hypnotist people. Bart did an Ahnold impression while under hypnosis - pure comedy gold. I think Darren Davis got his dick grabbed by a girl who had a suggestion planted that Double D was the most attractive man alive (I am reasonably sure that was not in the hypnotist's plan). Happy for Darren, embarrassed for the girl. Another girl bugged out and had a really bad time under hypnosis. She drifted in and out of it and so she got about half the commands and I think she was confused and disoriented and afraid more than anything. That kinda scared me and made me feel bad. I wanted to go give her a hug. But, of course, that would have been creepy at the time. Just the same I'm glad she got all straightened out after the show.
I *HOPE* she got all straightened out after the show.
Graduation day: w00t. No more school.
Still no car. Calling auto body place tomorrow. Have enough money to fix or buy a new one ... don't think it's worth it, really, but I don't have a choice right now. NEED VEHICLE. Think I might buy an old Porsche or something for $3k rather than repair my shitty shitty volvo. Let Sean rebuild it. Sell it to him later.
HOLY SHIT! That's a great idea. I'd never thought of that ... heh, I rock! Wow, I'm a fuckin' genius. I'll buy the car that Sean wants to rebuild, drive it this summer, and then sell it to him at value sans whatever he does to it over the summer before I go to NYU. I have a ride and my best friend gets his dream car. Dude, I'm such a stud. 2 AM does wonders for me.
Titch's party: Cool beans. The pesto lasagna was awesome. Cold chicken = super fun. My new camera works. Sonoma is a long drive from my house. At least there were no pets there.
Mother's dog: Yes, still a royal pain in the ass. I think my stepdad will kill it before they move to their new house.
House: Still unsold. Might not be in saleable condition for the price we want. This makes my college fund sad. Does anyone want to buy a house?
Rock the fuck on. I'm going to sleep.