Sep 05, 2008 05:25
ialmost 4 months working here in saudi and all i can say is i still have a lot to learn. from cardiac arrest to hospital policies, there's still a long way to go. i feel stupid most of the time and all i can do is laugh at myself when i got home and promise to do better next time. 2 days ago i got scolded by a consultant after giving clexane to a patient who is suspected of having pulmonary embolism. dont worry i didn't kill the patient, the medication would be of help to the patient but my fault was i did not hear that the doctor order some blood investigations. Either i did not hear him or he did not order the lab work ups immediately because he was really rushing me to give the medication. i dont want to admit that everything was my fault but who would they believe a new nurse or a consultant. all i can do is go home and heal my wounded pride. everyday is a challenge because there's a lot of responsibility. At the end of the day, a simple thank you from a patient or relative would be enough to keep you going. Its hard work, sometimes fun, sometimes frustrating but i can manage.