Twilight/Roswell: Lions, Aliens & Lambs, Oh My!

Jan 12, 2010 19:21

Music: Bella's Lullaby Remix by Carter Burwell
Created: January 2010
Summary: This was an idea that I had when first reading the Twilight books - I kept seeing Roswell! Bedroom windows, I love you but we can't be together, damsel in distress rescues, Isabel changes her name to Rosalie, Romeo and Juliet, scifi bonding situations, etc. So, here's my vid showing some of the ways the two bleed together. ^_^
Program: Sony Vegas & WMM
Source Material: Roswell (Seasons 1-3) (1999 - 2002) © Twentieth Century Fox; Twilight (2008) © Summit Entertainment
Fandom: Twilight Saga & Roswell
Table and prompt used: 2 (Music Styles) - Remix

Watch and Download at my LJ

#crossover, fandom: roswell, table 2: music styles, fandom: twilight

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