Interview Series 2011: Kuwdora - Part 2

Nov 18, 2011 14:13

How has your life and your former creative experiences informed your vidding work?

I’ve taken something I learned about writing very much to heart when it comes to vidding and I think it’s made me a much more fearless vidder: vid now, edit later. Get the clips on the timeline, fill it up so the black space is not intimidating and then go back and cut away and re-shape or throw out things later. I can’t sit around fussing for too long, I need to move on then I can come back and fix or remove or re-shape.

My life experiences have made a great impact on the tone of my vidding. For the longest time I had vidded contrary to my mood. Meaning when I was sad, I’d make fun/squee/light vids. It was a lot easier for me to cope with something fun, adventurous and slashy to work on to keep my mind occupied until I got through a particularly bad phase. In particular, I really had a hard time in college so I made realllly fun slashy vids like If You Were My King and I Kissed a Boy to help soothe the existential angst I was going through when the fall semesters began. I embraced-nay, clung to vidding as therapy as wholeheartedly for several years and it got me through a lot of things.

There were ups and downs and blah blah, my brain got bad enough that eventually my life and creative endeavors wove together into one thing and it was no longer a contrary tone. I realized I needed to make this vid so I could remind myself, daily and for hours on end by vidding the message no matter what happens and what choices you make, things will turn out the way they should and drill it into my head. Sure, the vid manifested as a Sylar character arc [I Dreamt I Was An Architect] but that vid was the journal I poured all of my angst and pain into for 6 months as I repeated it over and over until I got through those last hurdles that tripped me for years.

Vidding as therapy. Good stuff, good stuff. Now that I’m in a wholly different headspace than I was for the last 5 years, I think that’s why I’m left a bit flailing now that I’ve finished High Voltage since I don’t know how I feel about so many things in my life and I don’t know how to funnel that confusion into my work or if I’ll be able to vid that way again. Time will tell, I guess.

You've made a large number of vids in a relatively short amount of time; do you see the rate at which you have been vidding as having a direct correlation to your evolution as a vidder, or is the evolution independant of volume?

I guess vid fast, but I also spend a large chunks of time all within a small time frame getting my vids down and out. I like to think that I’m getting better with every vid that I make, and I do feel like I’m learning, but I think I have a hard time agreeing that quantity contributes to my evolution. It’s still dependant on what I’m vidding that I learn from and bring with me when I move onto the next project.

Can you take us through the Seven days of Sanctuary project? What inspired it and how was it executed? Were there specific goals, criteria and limitations inherant to the project?

Oh, god. That project was born from the fact tha I could not just vid ONE thing from that show. I finished mainlining Sanctuary and was positively frothing with squee. It really should be called Seven Squee Days of Sanctuary

This was my attempt at pimping on a more massive scale than I had done before because I NEEEEEEDED to share my love for every character from the show. I WANTED people to watch because none of my friends were watching the show or they tried and then got turned off for any number of legitimate reasons. The fact that I made 7 Sanctuary vids in the matter of a week or so, and there were only roughly 20 episodes at that time - there was very little overlap in clip choice in the vids and each stood out on it’s own as a strong character study, I was very proud of how the project turned out in that respect. What made me even more squeeful is when I had a number of people tell me they were going to try watching the show after seeing the videos - and then they watched, and came back to tell me how much they love the show now. SPREADING THE LOVE, YES. Mission SQUEECOMPLISHED.

You've recently completed two multi-fandom vids: Hook Shot and Blood, Tears & Gold; can you tell us what you learned, if anything, from making these?

THEY ARE STUPID HARD TO MAKE. But the scope you can create by playing with multiple sources is truly inspiring and addictive, even if it was hair-pulling at times. It was kind of scary how obsessive I came. Hook Shot started out as Resident Evil/Lara Croft movies only, and then I said no, I should have more than just a Alice/Lara femslash vid. Why not add in a few others that I could think of, and I had a dozen movies. And then I asked for suggestions from my flist and ahd another dozen sources. And then I said ‘well, why don’t I get some more Michelle Yeoh and HK and Chinese action stars. And why not get some Bollywood in there, too. And what about this movie, this is Swiss and looks like they have BAMF women.’ And then I started thinking I need women of all ages, so my source search just spiraled out of control and before I knew it I had accumulated more source than I had ever worked with in my entire vidding life, ALL IN THE SAME VID, WHAT. I couldn’t stop myself.

The same thing happened with the Fassbender vid. I had a set of sources I was going to pull from and then a few people said ‘Hey, what about [this] Fassy source? [link!]’ and I was like ‘YES NEED MORE’ and just went wild. With the Hook Shot vid in particular, I realized just how clingy I am to lyrics. I was freaking out so fucking much because I didn’t know how to build the vid. I had fumbled a bit at the beginning, trying to ‘establish’ all my sources with static face shots and then sent the first 20 seconds to deathisyourart who promptly (metaphorically) smacked me and I realized I needed to start off with action clips and just... Build it by the ACTION, the visuals and the beat, instead of relying so heavily upon the words to guide me through verses and the comforting arms of a repeating chorus. I really struggled with that. I actually watched a lot of multi women-are-awesome vids and in particular to help me figure out what their vids said and what I wanted mine to say. balistik94’s Onyx II - Jet Black was a huge inspiration for me, and something I could sort of model my vid upon and then edit it in such a way to make it flow and pop that’s uniquely mine. I like to think that I came out of it with a vid that is editingly competent, with the strong statement that these women were hard core and that I was able to do it without being so dependant on lyrics to carry me through the project which is awesome.

The vid "If You Stayed Over" for Sleeper Cell feels like a big departure in tone from much of your other work. Can you talk about that project briefly?

I don’t know how it’s a big departure from much of my other work. I’ve vidded Muslim characters in King of Spain and All For Swinging You Around. I’ve vidded the melancholy angst in HIDDIWA and Grace Cathedral Hill.

Oh, Salim. He was a character I knew I had to vid by the time I reached the his final episode. Salim had a fascinating story on Sleeper Cell. A closeted Muslim terrorist. How could I NOT vid it?

If anything, the dark, melancholy tone and Salim’s self-loathing traits most resembles the Sylar/Mohinder vid I did called Mouth. It’s just that in If You Stayed Over the homoerotic subtext was actually text and Salim couldn’t deal with himself and he continued to make dangerous and destructive life choices.

If you watch both of the vids, stylistically there are similarities. I ended up using the same slow cross-dissolves through the the more potent visuals. For instance these shots were meant to juxtapose Salim’s bliss, Mohinder’s defiance with the violence that they will later inhabit in their characters- Salim in the making of a bomb was meant to blow up the Hollywood Bowl and Mohinder attempting to shoot someone at point blank.

Omid Abitahi is an actor who can make his body really physically manifest so many emotions, guh. It’s captivating to watch. He also guest-starred on Fringe as a mind-reader Cortexphian child and was stunning there as well. Which I think is the only time he hasn’t been cast as a terrorist or token POC. He needs to be cast in more things. I love him SO MUCH, so it always comes back to the squee and adoration.

How does your relationship with your vids change over time? Do you generally love your vids more after some time has passed or do you start focusing more on the flaws? Are there early days vids you're embarrassed by now or do you love them as much as when you first posted them?

Oh, my feelings on some vids yo-yo back and forth. There are some vids that I was so distraught over when I first released them, but then again these were vids I made years ago and was still hung up on and had weird confidence issues. Filthy/Gorgeous is something that made me so upset when I finished it that I literally cried because it didn’t feel right. Probably because I was so scared that this was my first Club Vivid vid to be shown at a convention. These days I’m eminently charmed by my editing and Peter’s attractiveness.

I sort of was bashful, amazed and overwhelmed that I made Paparazzi and I almost didn’t want to put my name on it because I didn’t think I’d be that kind of person who had paid that much attention to something that happened at Oh No They Didn’t. But I felt like I was witness to an amazing fourth wall event and I had to tell that story so these days I’m just glad that it I was able to convey the events pretty concisely in a vid of that length and material.

On the flipside I have a few vids that I was in love with when I first finished and posted them but the squee had rubbed off. The Freshman was something I had made to blow off steam and now it makes me roll my eyes even though I love Sylar. Empty Causes was my punk rock foray and all I can see is how hard I was trying to be a Real Vidder and it makes me facepalm.

I feel like all of my vids are my special snowflakes. I love them all, even when I don’t, because they were a part of me and are a product of that time and headspace. ♥

What's your view on remaking vids you've already done? Do you think it's okay to go back change a vid significantly? Or do you think what's done is done?

Had someone asked me this question a year or two ago, I would have answered it very differently. I would have said the final product is Final. But now… I sing a different tune.

I think a vidder can do anything they want if they care to revisit a vid. It’s in their power and if they feel like fixing or changing something, making alternative clip choices or re-doing everything from a different POV, that’s their perogative. I understand and agree with people who say George Lucas fucked things up when he went back and changed so much of his work (HAN SHOT FIRST). When a creator wants to change things to that kind of degree where it’s reversing the original statements and high points, they should label the vid/piece of work accordingly so the viewer knows that there Significant Changes in the new version.

But I think there’s a lot of fun and interesthing things a vidder can do if they want to go back and re-edit their work.

Since I’ve rekindled my love and delved further into rap and hip-hop over the last few years, I have a fond appreciation for the way these artists collaborate/remix and re-edit their own work, source other material in their tracks that I find myself wanting to add onto/remix High Voltage with some interesting changes. I mean, I think it’s because I’m confident that no matter what changes I would make to that vid-or any other of my vids-it would not destroy the original integrity of what the vid had accomplished. I mean, it could probably “ruin” the vid if it’s so different and the viewers don’t like it, but then you come back to the question of who are you vidding for? Yourself or an audience? There’s no wrong answer to those two questions but it does affect the way I think people would respond to a re-edited vid. Maybe.

I’d love it if vidders re-edit their material if they have fresh eyes years after they vidded it. I’d love even more if vidders were to take other people’s vids and remix them, re-edit. Mash-up. There’s so many ways to embrace transformative works in the arena of vidding and I think we’re only at the tip of that iceberg. But I can understand why people would be hesitant to consider it. Clip theft, changing the vidder’s original intention.

I think a vidder’s imagination and wishes should take them any place they dream.

How do you feel about audience interpretation vs. original intention? Does it bother you if someone enjoys your vid, but while interpreting it in a way that you never intended or even considered? How big of a role should the audience play in defining a vid?

Let me point you to my commentary/meta/analysis/navel-gazing post about my Second Ever Vid, Better Off (Fraser/RayK, due South, 2007). I thought I was making a happy action-adventure vid about Fraser and Ray. I didn’t realize it was about a cult leader, okay. It was EMBARRESSING AS SIN to realize I vidded something completely and utterly opposite of what people were seeing. I’ve never had such a divergant reaction from any of my vids since that once since I’ve sat down with my betas and asked them to think about how others will think about it and we would hash out intreprtations and whatnot. But. Honestly, if people read my vid differently than what I intended, that’s so cool that you were paying enough attention to get a different reading. I can’t completely embrace the postmodern ‘the creator is dead’ mantra since… I am not dead, I am here and have opinions, but I can’t tell you you’re wrong.

Do you approach a vid differently if it is meant for a con? How so?

Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. The only time that I’m reallllly approaching vids differently for a con is when it’s Club Vivid at Vividcon. I think I want to stick to more mainstream song choices, songs that people are more likely to know and be able to move to. Songs that are upbeat but an unfamiliar artist seem to be hit or miss at the actual dancefloor, in my opinion right now. Songs that people know the words to or can definitively move to the beat, now that’s a different story, so I’m probably going to be sticking to more familiar pop songs.

Other cons and vidshows, I’m less likely to be aware of how to orient my vid to the audience and I’ll just make the vid that I was intending on vidding regardless of where it would first premiere.

Do you utilize a beta? If so, then what do you find most useful in the beta process? How influential is a beta to the final result of a project?

I do utilize a beta. The beta process is actually one of my favorite parts of the whole vidding process because I get an incredible amount of feedback that is beyond my wildest dreams every time. I love having a 3 hour chat about my 3 minute vid and just deconstructing every bit of every little thing that we could possibly talk about-lyric associations, my timing problems. Me WTFing over my clip choices. I have to admit that I spent like 2 hours talking to sweetestdrain about which particular Fassbender’s-character-having-inappropriate-physical-relationship-with-a-minor clips I should use in order to convey the right amount of WRONGNESS. And I trust sweetestdrain to not judge me and to be honest when I ask which would be more effective for such a thing. She’s a keeper.

Other times a beta has saved me from making crap mistakes and adding too much to what was already a great vid. I was sort of keen on putting a glowy filter all over the clips on PASIV Face but fortunately Diya smacked me, which helped remind me that the source was already pretty enough and that I’d have plenty of time to play with filters on other vids.

I trust that my beta will help me make the vid that I was intending on making or that the vid was intending on becoming through the hand of that creative force in the universe.

Have you consistently used the same beta(s) and grown with each other, or have you changed over time to people specific to each project or each stage in your vidding history?

I have a small array of betas I go to for different things. I’ve had the same consistent amount of betas for the last few years but really but I’m pretty fluid on who betas for me when my concerns dictate it. There are times in which I’d rather have a beta who is more familiar with the source than not and go to them. But if I’m concerned about timing or pacing, I’d go to a different beta for advice and discussion. If I need fresh eyes, I have a set of people whom I throw my vid at who aren’t necessarily betaing, but they give me a decent audience reaction that I can take into consideration about what people are seeing and if that matches (or doesn’t) match with what I think the vid is trying or supposed to be conveying.

I also think that my betas and I have definitely grown over the years as they have grown accustomed to my style and squee and I can fearlessly throw things at certain people during any stage of my vidding process and trust them to give me the necessary feedback that would help me make the vid that I am making or that the vid is shaping up to be. There are of course times in which I’ll ignore a beta because that’s my perogative but it’s never hard feelings. Especially when it’s the flipside and I agree that the vid needs to be torn apart and reworked completely after a beta’s comments.

Are there any vids by other vidders that you wish you'd made?

Specific vids I wish I had made: Break Teen Spirit in Four Minutes by dragonchic because nrrrgh, guh. Unf. The musicality and motion in this piece, god. I SO WISH I MADE IT.

Chaos Theory by balistik94. It’s one of my most favorite multi vids and highlights much of what I adore about Balistik’s catalog. The breadth of source is so stark, the narrative tone so precise and haunting. The editing and musicality are married in such a way that it leaves me reeling in admiration.

I really wish I could be able to vid a fraction of the emotion that wistful_fever and greensilver are able to weave and hone so intimately in their vids and narratives. I wish I had made My Number for the way it pulls everything ever together and illustrated such nuanced parallels throughout the three movies and three relationships. MY EMOTIONS, MY EMOTIONS, I just clutch myself when I watch this because YES YES, it’s so wonderful and makes me feel everything.

Fabella’s oeuvre is something that constantly impresses me and is a source of much of my envy. Her latest phase of delving into color work is so fierce and has been making her vids even more potent than they were before, but it’s the thematic message of the soul-deep love, of lust, longing. Need for connecting with another (human) being. I mean, I couldn’t care at all about ever watching the OC, but Sleepwalker shows me and makes me feel everything that I need to know about Seth and Ryan and I come out of it completely and utterly wrecked every time. It’s the same with all her vids, whether it’s Sam/Cas, Kurt/Finn, Merlin/Arthur. Her work leaves this indelible emotional imprint on me that lasts long after her vids have finished.

Do you have heroes in the vidding community? Whose recent work has impressed you? Why?

My heroes are Luminosity, kiki_miserychic because their creativity are on levels that sometimes I can’t even fathom but am always impressed and envious of and want to imitate. They are so fearless and confident and passionate about vidding as art and I love and admiring that about them.

I’m really taken with beccatoria’s work because of the depth that she probes her sources and ruminates her view of canon on the timeline. Gunz Yo, her Farscape vid-all of her Fringe vids-and OMG her Battlestar Galactica vids, they have such a nuanced relationship to the canon context of the clips while being aesthetically overwhelming in the best way possible. P.s. everyone needs to watch beccatoria’s Wonder Woman vid, I Need a Hero SHE WRESTLES A BEAR TO BONNIE TYLER. IT IS ~AMAZING~

Futhermore I’m in love with my darling missbreese and how far she’s come with her first half-dozen vids since she’s gotten her feet wet. I fangirled Breese here since I &heart; her so much and can’t wait to see what she’s going to do next.

I could endlessly gush about balistik94’s style and evolution as an editor but I am going to be making a vidder profile on him in the next year, but that guy can do no wrong when he puts clips on a timeline. They’re so thematically cohesive with such badassery that makes me swoon and want to try to do more movie sources and action videos.

Can you tell us about one vid that's had a formative influence on you as a vidder and why?
Street Café by Jill, Kathy and K. The source is The Bourne Trilogy and I first saw this vid in 2007 after they released it online since it was a Club Vivid premiere, I think. I was flabbergasted by the editing because in 2007 this was the fastest vid I had EVER SEEN and it literally hurt my eyes to watch and made me a bit motion sick. I’m not even kidding. But there was something about it that I had to keep rewatching because the way it captured both the atmosphere of the setting and Jason Bourne’s emotional journey was something that I so desperately wanted to know how to do and do well. The way it moved, GUH, sooooo wanted to replicate. This is one of the vids I keep on my ipod to rewatch even now because it still holds so much appeal and I’m still hoping I can learn something from it.

The abrupt, frantic cutting always reminds me of Bourne on the run, heart beating so hard and the combination of the dissolves slow-motion clips, omg. It’s probably one of the reasons why I have naturally gravitated towards more motion-oriented clips, because this is running on repeat in my head. It’s the fighting and the love, the survival instinct with the confusion. All paired with the sharp editing-omg, incredible, love it so much and it remains an inspiration. I want to be able to cut fast like that, carry the viewer on an emotional rollercoaster with such style and flair and amazing song choice. You can bet your bottom dollar that if Soderberg’s Bourne-like movie Haywire starring Gina Carano spawns a sequel or two, I will be rifling through my favorite playlists populated with hard, synth-y beats to try and make a badass vid as an homage to Street Café.

Is there any advice that you would give to someone entering into this hobbie?

Have a lot of patience once you first start vidding and work through the steps to put things on a timeline, and to export things to the web. Patience and perserverence.

Watch a lot of vids. Ask people for vid recs. Read all the posts in the memories section of the vidding community for the tech guides, how-to tutorials. Search through veni_vidi_vids and read people’s meta on vidding. But most of all, watch a lot of vids. Watch good vids, watch the bad vids. Figure out what you don’t like about the bad ones and what you think you could do better or would want to see done better. Watch the good vids and ask yourself what you like about that vid. Then when you go and open up your video editor, take your own song and your own source and try to replicate it in some fashion.

Each time I came back from Vividcon, I set out to take one or two things I really liked that I saw at the con and try it on myself. In 2008 I came away from seeing astolat’s After Effects tutorial and how to manipulate two people kissing who didn’t kiss in canon. That was also the year that obsessive24 premiered Climbing the Walls, which used outside source/explicit sexual material in a vid. I took both of those things and tried it out myself in I Kissed a Boy and had an amazing time and a lot of fun and am glad I tried it out. In 2010 I saw redina’s Micky vid in which she had kept the subtitles in the vid and I thought that was really interesting and clever, so before the month was even over, I had decided to leave a few integral subtitles in my vid If You Stayed Over to help amplify the emotional tone in that part of the vid.

Email vidders asking if you could bend their ear about their vids, ask them questions and ask for what vids have inspired them. I was sort of shy when starting out and had a hard time really getting to know people, and I basically bought greensilver in 2008’s Sweet Charity half for the vid and half for the excuse to talk endlessly with her about vidding.

Watch a lot of vids. Ask a lot of questions. Find someone who will listen to your whine and complain about how stupid clipping is and how you don’t know how to do [this] or [that] because if they are a good friend/cheerleader/beta, they will help you keep your chin up because this is a stupid hobby. But it’s also amazing.

What direction would you like to see the vidding community going in? Are there things you would like to see more or less of?

I would love to see a newbie mentorship program or exchange where people who have been vidding for a certain amount of years or have completed [x] number of vids adopts a newbie vidder for a certain amount of time and helps them with whatever they need-someone’s shoulder to cry on, a beta session, troubleshooting or just talking about vids. Show them the ropes, so to speak. And then we pit them against other newbies to the death and watch from our seats.

I think it’s incredibly difficult and scary to be a newbie in this community, or at least in our neck of the woods in the fandom that is vidding fandom. It’s overwhelming, too. Who is who, what is what. I think there’s a core ‘canon’ of vids that most of us have seen or are familiar with and a group of people who have made an impact on the community or that people liked. While one can find out who is who and what vids have been recced all over the place by looking at the memories section and recs lists, it’s another thing to have someone give you more context by having conversations about these vids, these people’s work and the community at large. I was really fucking intimidated when I first started off because it’s so tight knit sometimes and I didn’t know how to feel part of it other than to just keep throwing vids at people, commenting and hoping that they would eventually like me. (Maybe I just have hang-ups about being social that totally extended to my fannish life. *Shrug*)

I’d love to see people participating in a (non-Vividcon) challenge or something, since everyone gets all inspired by all the challenge ideas people pitch for Vividcon, why not be able to play upon those at a different time of the year? Though I realize with Festivids occuring, people’s energies are focused on that during the middle of the year but I want some kind of challenge thing.

I think it would be neat to give vidders a set of challenge parameters-whether it’s a time spent vidding, or length of vid, or they have to use a certain type of song for a certain type of source. It’s like the Iron Vidder thing that I swear I remember it was fan-eunice pitching awhile ago. You get a set of ingridents and then have to work from there. That would be SO COOL and I want it sooooooo much. Can we get on that?

I also want to see a challenge to see multiple people vidding the same song (maybe to even the same source) and seeing how people think and hear their source differently and how we can learn from that and why we shouldn’t feel posessive or hurt when someone posts a new vid to OUR song or OUR idea. Believe me, I have felt the sting of irritation and despair when I saw someone post something that I felt was similar to something that I had wanted to do or had done. It’s not uncommon and I’m not saying we shouldn’t feel hurt when that happens, but I like to try and remind myself of what a transformative and remix-y community we all are a part of and go from there and I this could be a fun and awesome experience. (Even though I am SO TIRED OF TIK TOK, jesus fucking christ on a pogo stick. /hypocrite)

I’d also like to see vidders taking up more remastering projects. But let me specify: I’d like to see vidders remaster other people’s work. I think this is an amazing exercise and I learned a lot from doing this when I remastered Talitha’s Poker Face. When I was in a junior high art, we had to take a simple drawing and we were going to trace it. Our art teacher gave us the tracing paper and we were all ready to go except at the last minute she told us to turn the pictures upside down and then go. That way we had to focus more on what we were seeing so it wasn’t as easy anymore. It was familiar but unfamiliar just by looking at it from upside down.

This is very much what I experienced when going through someone else’s cuts and it gave me a new appreciation for talitha78’s work while having a refreshing way of how to hear and feel music and my own cutting sensibilities. And not only will the remastering vidder have a unique experience doing this, the original vidder will have a shiny copy of their vid at the end of it! Win/win! <3

How about your own work? What direction would you like to see your own vidding go in? What new concepts, techniques and tech would you like to explore in the future?

I would love to have a machine that could run After Effects adequately enough so I could become more comfortable with some of the other tools and filters and animations and be able to work through the technical hurdles I’m facing on my now longest WIP I’ve had sitting and backed up in six different places because I can’t lose my work on it. But I don’t think that’ll be happening as soon as I hope.

It’s hard for me to say where I’d like my own vidding to go at this point. I feel like I’ve reached a lovely plateau that I’m happy to rest upon for awhile since I spent the last several years getting to the point where I could make High Voltage and I’m in such a new headspace that I don’t know where I want to go, or where I should or COULD go from here.
I’m more interested in creating much more thematic-oriented stories than anything else, I think. I’m also keen on making some more mult-vids because I’m at that point where I’m really appreciating the work involved in pulling things together to create something with scope like multivids can do.

Can you share with us what are you working on now, or what are you pondering?

Okay, so. I don’t know how my friends deal with me since I will say I’m vidding one thing one day (or NOT vidding something) and then start blathering on about another vid two days later. I change my mind so quickly and often. And then I would say I am going on a Hiatus from vidding and then end up making another 2 vids in a month. I was the Vidder Who Cried Hiatus. People stopped believing me because I just couldn’t take a break. And yet that's exactly what FINALLY happened this summer. Technically my Narnia vid was a 3 hour hiccup that punctuated a several month long quiet period. Since people saw High Voltage, I sort of feel at peace, calmer in a way that I hadn't been before. I had thought about vidding. Listened to my vidsongs. But I couldn't bring myself to open my video editor. Not since I finished the Fassbender vid in July. Been the longest break from vidding I've had since I learned how to vid, and I’m not sure what to make of that. I never thought that I wouldn't ever vid again, I just didn't know what I'd tackle next. And then I woke up to the Avengers squee rippling through fandom and....that's all it took. Now I must vid ALL THE AVENGERS I possibly can before May. Walk This Way with Tony Stark is done. Bruce Banner/Hulk is up next (Ed Norton, FYI). I I have song for Bruce and Captain America, ideas for Thor, Hawkeye and Black Widow as well as some other characters from Marvelverse.... I just have to make my way through some more source and squee some more. \o/ AVENGERS VIDSEMBLE \o/ (okay, maybe that's funnier in my head, but omgggggg AVENGERS.)

Sometime next year I’ll be gearing up to hopefully do a collaboration with rhoboat for Club Vivid which ought to be a fun ordeal, if not time-consuming in the way that multi-source vids can be. Fortunately splitting up some of the work should help with that.

My other planned Club Vivid vid has a source and has a song and I just have to sit down to watch said movie and laugh and vid until I get it out of my system and then fling it at my poor betas who will @_@ at me as they should.

I’m also thinking of vidding more hip-hop tracks that I have fallen head over heels for and may tackle those in the coming year. Whether that will be more Linkin Park or something else of an underground/regional hip-hop flavor (see hip-hop playlist for examples). I just love the tone and focus of this kind of hip-hop and it’s something I want to spread around with some sources I’ve not worked with before but revisit Spartacus with more Aussie hip-hop awesomeness.

I would love to make my Epic Gwen Cooper vid but I’m scared my squee has come and gone now that there isn’t more Torchwood on my screen.

And I’ve got an experimental sort of thing I want to try, which will be entirely out of my comfort zone but I think it will be an interesting exercise nonetheless. /vague

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