"Land" by sweetestdrain, commentary by sweetestdrain

Oct 21, 2011 20:19

Title: Land
Vidder: sweetestdrain
Fandom: Terminator universe
Link to vid: LJ post here (also embedded after cut)

Notes/warnings: Very, very image heavy; spoils the hell out of the first three Terminator movies, plus a lot of stuff in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (including the finale); a couple of images may include sorta-naked people and/or robot ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

jarrow October 22 2011, 00:53:50 UTC
This vid is epic, this commentary is epic, and you are epic. (So's your face.)


sweetestdrain November 8 2011, 19:29:59 UTC
So's YOUR face. *hugs*

(I still remember that you had the only real beta comment on this vid -- an awkward clip transition or something? -- and then I didn't even take your advice, because everyone else was saying, "IT'S SO EPIC NO ONE WILL REMEMBER ANY WEIRDNESS BY THE END ANYWAY," and I was about to keel over and die. Ah memories!)


jarrow November 9 2011, 02:16:02 UTC
Ahahaha. I love that you remember me as the guy who criticized something. I'm sure your transition is just fine, hee.


sweetestdrain November 9 2011, 02:29:11 UTC
DUDE THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT. *punches you hard in the shoulder* It's a fond memory! You being supportive and me being full of fail! Hee.


sdwolfpup October 22 2011, 15:17:11 UTC
This is amazing. I already adored this vid, and this has made me appreciate its depth and artistry even more.


sweetestdrain November 8 2011, 19:31:47 UTC
Yay! Thank you! *hugs* Of course, I've had a couple of years in which to rationalize a lot of my clip choices, too, which helps with making the vid sound smart. Hee.


thuviaptarth October 23 2011, 21:00:32 UTC
This was really neat, thank you for posting it.

I like reading the shot of the phone book as meaning that each universe is created by Kyle Reese finding a different Sarah Connor each time, every one finding herself capable of greatness when she needs to. Thus, of course, also why all the Sarahs look so different.

Because: "sea of possibilities."


sweetestdrain November 8 2011, 19:35:04 UTC
I like reading the shot of the phone book as meaning that each universe is created by Kyle Reese finding a different Sarah Connor each time, every one finding herself capable of greatness when she needs to.

Ack! I'm now pretending I did that on purpose, because that's a totally awesome thought about the narrative implications of that moment. (And now I want to see the movie/TV series where that idea plays out even further!) But, "sea of possibilities" -- yes. Yes.


(The comment has been removed)

sweetestdrain November 8 2011, 19:38:13 UTC
Sarah telling his myth, and her own.

Yes! That's exactly what I wanted to do, and I'm glad you think it (the vid, and also the commentary) succeeded. Thanks so much for commenting!


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