Until the 25th I'll be posting the results of the Interview Series, with a different vidder featured every second night. All questions posed to the vidders were submitted by you, the members of the community; and though several questions were addressed to all vidders taking part, there are a few specific to each individual vidder as well
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See, if I were a more thoughtful vidder, I would do this too. While I often think about vidding a lot if I have a song in mind, and there may be some parts in the song that are so clear that I know exactly what I'll put there, I can never get a feel for the structure (entirely) until I actually open up the software and start moving things around.
I’m so terrible at titles it’s embarrassing.
Oh don't be silly! Since I started vidding again, I have completely ignored the whole title thing. I basically put a line of text that says "by crickets" and that's it. But my reason is worse... I'm just lazy! Honestly when I make a vid, credits are the last thing on my mind! Especially because I often wait to deal with them until I'm finished with the vid, and by that time I'm just ready to be done and can't be bothered to make anything fancy.
I LOVE THIS VID! (And have watched it a berjillion times.)
I also love The Real Slim Shady and have watched it repeatedly even though I'm not familiar with the main source. It's interesting that you vidded the multi-fandom sections without having seen all of the source footage you used. I did that with my Kung-fu Panda vid. (As an experiment.) But the clips you used were perfect, which is why it shocks me!
(Seamstress was also gorgeous!)
Agreed about credits over pretty scenes. It's just so unfair! You're very brave to try AfterEffects. The idea alone scares me!
This was a great interview! Thanks for the read!
And, nice to know someone else doesn't try to do fancy stuff with credits- I'm always so intimidated by other vidders' credit sequences!
I'm so glad you liked the interview - thanks!
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