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heresluck October 16 2011, 23:16:54 UTC
Glad you liked! I love the show SO MUCH, and the vid captures one piece of it just beautifully. And yeah, that last shot is one of my favorite parts of the vid, so I just had to cap it. :D


killabeez October 14 2011, 13:52:13 UTC
Beautiful commentary. That last shot of the church sign made this vid so universal to me: if these two kids can overcome their distrust and fear and rage, just imagine what could happen if we all did.


heresluck October 16 2011, 23:20:49 UTC
Yes! That. That is exactly what I wish I had said about that last shot. And I love the way that the final shot and the shot of the pastor leading them in prayer bring in an element of community that is so important to the show (and is one of the key ways in which the show stays true to the book).


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