The posting time has come!

Oct 11, 2011 16:50

Starting later tonight, and continuing for the next two weeks, there will be actual content in this community. YAY! I'm very excited! We have some awesome pieces coming your way. Vid commentaries will kick off tonight, and the Interview Series will post on alternate nights starting on the 17th.

A few people have asked about posting commentaries to the community outside of the challenges. While we do accept commentaries, both vidder and viewer, at any time*, we do ask that viewers give us 48 hours notice prior to posting, so that we can double check that the vidder gave permission to have their work used in this manner. Also, if you would prefer to just post a commentary to your journal and not here, please let us know about it any way; we add those to the memories under "Commentary non-community" in case our membership would like to read/view them.

Once again, I want to thank those who signed up to create and write for both the commentary and Interview series. Autumn is incredibly busy for everyone, and I truly appreciate that you sacrificed some of your free time for us.

* Posting to the community will be closed for two weeks after this round because I'll be on a family vacation, and I don't want anyone joining the community just to spam advertisements to the membership while I'm away.
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