Title: The Test
heresluckFandom: Star Trek: Reboot/TOS
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killabeez I played around with doing a voiceover commentary (slightly less wordy than this one), but honestly I was too embarrassed by the sound of my own voice. Those things are challenging!
Kirk loves Spock: Second 'Verse, same as the first. )
Comments 26
Thank you so much for your thorough and insightful commentary, I enjoyed reading it and the vid itself totally lives up to it!
This is possibly my favorite vid in the whole world
You have good taste. *g*
I am already madly in love with you, but if I weren't, this sentence would have made me starry-eyed: And of course, Kirk's smack to Spock's arm on the beat, and the phaser flashes with the drums at 02:23 are just good, responsible vidding. *g*
::fangirls you::
::fangirls heresluck::
Thank you, sweetpea. For everything! And especially for sharing the love of this magnificent vid (and its vidder) with me. :D
The movie said nothing about whether Kirk revealed anything to Spock Prime in the meld, but the vidder suggests the idea that maybe he did.
I love you so much for seeing those little visual details and for GETTING what I was after there. ♥
"I'm shining" is the line I will always remember first about this vid
ME TOO. :D The two clips of Kirk jumping were among the very first clips I had in mind when I started the vid, and I always knew they were going on that line.
Particularly, the clip where the camera shakes at 02:43 - their world is shaken by their connection.Yeah. Because Spock may be an ( ... )
Can't it be both? ;)
Don't know if you saw what I used for the cut tag for this: "Kirk loves Spock: second 'Verse, same as the first." ♥
I'm so glad to know you did edit the song. I was half expecting you to say, oh, no, I found this shorter version blah blah -- but it seemed to be so perfectly constructed, I just had a feeling. :)
I did see the cut tag. It made me smile and smile.
The song was pretty easy to edit sound-wise because it's so electronic; the tricky thing was I needed to kind of reshape it because there's a lot at the beginning that I didn't need, which is always harder than just cutting out repetitions of the chorus at the end. I had to cut something like 20 seconds of those pipes at the beginning, and then the whole "am I coming through?" sequence that follows the "can you hear me now?" I actually ended up having to cut the "to find that the images are fading away" line because it was part of that first "you know I always lost my mind" section that was cluttering up my vid structure. I lost a really awesome WHOOSH sound in that section, too. Alas. And then the "my heart and my soul they are free" section that's... maybe around the five minute mark in the original? And more pipes stuff at the end. I love the Chemical Brothers, but concision is, uh, not one of their virtues. Hee.
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