"45" commentary by dragonchic

Oct 20, 2009 19:56

Title: 45
Vidder: dragonchic / bananainpyjamas
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Link to vid: here
Warnings: Spoilers through 4x01
Commentary by: dragonchic

Download: 35.5 MB Zipped XviD

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vid commentary, [author] bananainpyjamas, [vidder] bananainpyjamas

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Comments 17

obsessive24 October 21 2009, 04:49:06 UTC
AWESOME commentary. I wish you'd drawn glasses on baby Husker and, omg, how much did I laugh at your awesome vidding formula? Super win.

Also, it's really interesting watching just the visuals in real time(?) because it almost seems more accessible in terms of immediately grasping what your themes are, maybe because the amazing musicality isn't there to distract(?) me. Odd and interesting. Anyway, ramble. I can't believe you did this in one night. It's really cool.


bradcpu October 21 2009, 16:25:06 UTC
it almost seems more accessible in terms of immediately grasping what your themes are, maybe because the amazing musicality isn't there to distract(?) me
I was thinking the same thing!

OK, new plan, DC: Release all your vids with no music.


obsessive24 October 21 2009, 18:35:25 UTC
That made sense, House.


bradcpu October 21 2009, 19:32:30 UTC
Of course it did. I said it.

*starts eating your lunch*


bop_radar October 21 2009, 10:42:49 UTC
Wow! This is so enlightening! I totally LOL'd at your red circle around Bill's name on the viper. It never even occurred to me that anyone viewing the vid would have that issue! Wow, that shows how deeply I take the fandom awareness for granted! Surely the dissolve is clear though?! I think you're very generous to viewers that don't know Razor. I know you were obviously going for a very wide potential audience with the vid, but I hadn't really registered just how much you'd reached out to them.

OMG, vidding formula OF WIN! Also MEGA understatement on the 'why not?!'

I think my favourite line from your commentary is: we end with Bill kind of at a loss with what to do with his mutinous sonHuahaha, foiled by mutiny! :p Also, never underestimate the Adamas' capacity for prioritising Adamadrama over Cylons. ;p ( ... )


bananainpyjamas October 21 2009, 20:52:45 UTC
It never even occurred to me that anyone viewing the vid would have that issue!

I suspected it might be an issue and had those suspicions confirmed during beta. It led to much vidding angst on my part, because if you don't know who the pilot is, a large part of the vid will fly over your head (no pun intended).

I know you were obviously going for a very wide potential audience with the vid, but I hadn't really registered just how much you'd reached out to them.

I think my background in vidding small fandoms makes me vid with a higher level of transparency in mind. It's one of the main issues I struggle with, because I think it can sometimes be limiting.

, never underestimate the Adamas' capacity for prioritising Adamadrama over Cylons. ;p

LOL, Adamadrama is my new favorite word. And word. Bill and Lee are glaring at each other and Boomer's like, "Bitch, you call that a mutiny?"

Also I admire your succinctness. Seriously, I can't believe you managed to precis all there was to say about the vid down to 5.40!haha, I was actually ( ... )


bop_radar October 21 2009, 21:08:47 UTC
makes me vid with a higher level of transparency in mind. It's one of the main issues I struggle with, because I think it can sometimes be limiting.
Yes, I can imagine! I would have assumed you were going for a BSG-watching audience with this vid and wouldn't have worried about making it accessible beyond that fandom, but of course I know your audience is much wider than one fandom so I should have thunk! *slaps head* Do you ever just decide not to worry about making it readable to fandom outsiders? I'd be interested to see a vid of yours where you did that.

I was glad to be able to use Adamadrama again. :) Ahh, makes me remember the good old days of long post-ep convos... you know, when I actually LIKED the show. :p


bananainpyjamas October 21 2009, 21:27:48 UTC
Do you ever just decide not to worry about making it readable to fandom outsiders? I'd be interested to see a vid of yours where you did that.

I don't worry about it as much for established TV fandoms (i.e. BSG, SV, etc) as I do with movie vids. Khwaab, for example, changed substantially to make it more transparent to fandom outsiders. On the flip side, I want to say I didn't worry about it much at all with Intergalactic Friends, but I think comics knowledge works just as well as familiarity with SV for that vid, so it's a weird example. In short: I don't know. Apparently it's a hard habit to break, lol.

you know, when I actually LIKED the show. :p

Heh, well the Adamadrama never quite went away, did it? I've toyed with the idea of doing an S4 sequel to this vid but I keep waffling on whether or not I can really make it fit.


bradcpu October 21 2009, 16:27:11 UTC
I laughed so hard at your little vidding formula graphic thing! =) Now I'm gonna go back and rewatch all of your vids and compare them to that formula...

Very entertaining and interesting commentary, DC. I loved every second of it. There seemed to be a problem, though: I could hear you! WTH???


bananainpyjamas October 21 2009, 20:59:49 UTC
Pretty much all of my standard rock song action-y vids will fit that structure. My straight-up action vids like Orchard and Switchback are a little different. They go, "intro angst PEW PEW PEW brief lull KAPOW."

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. :D And haha, I remembered you complaints about the volume on my recordings so I turned it up. ;)


laurashapiro October 22 2009, 00:50:51 UTC
This is so great, dc. I already really admired the vid, but I'm going to get so much more out of it on subsequent viewings. And I love your dc vid structure cheatsheet!


bananainpyjamas November 3 2009, 05:19:01 UTC
Eek, apologies for the belated reply Laura. Thank you so much for watching! I'm glad you found it illuminating. :D


balistik94 October 24 2009, 14:34:08 UTC
Not only did this commentary offer insight into your thought process and what you wanted to express in this vid but it was also entertaining and made me chuckle a few times (I especially liked the vid formula thing). It was clear and concise even razor sharp just like you editing ;)


bananainpyjamas November 3 2009, 05:19:56 UTC
Thanks Bill (and sorry for the late reply). I'm glad it was entertaining, I can't help but sneak a few smartass comments in. ;)


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