Jan 16, 2005 22:17
Find the first sentence of the first post you made for each month of 2004, and stick them all here.
January: here is the survey i jacked from tons of fools... i *might* be in here later w/ a *real* update.. holla back... (note: haha survey.. what a great way to start off the year, huh?)
Febuary: So... in this following update you will see.. Tales of Garbage, Nasty Balls, Rotten and Frozen Cardboard and a near death experience on my first day BACK at the job.. fun stuff indeed.. now continue. (note: first day of work at the kingdom 04... you should all go back and read this.. it sounds pretty perverted hahah)
March: WHOA.. so I am currently speechless right now, i get on line this morning only to see an email from IWA stating that Jeremy Davis AKA J. Prodigy had passed away this past weekend. (note: what a horrible way to start off the month of march :'( )
April: Well.. it's been over a week since the last time i dropped by, a matter fact it was the "night" before we opened.. so shit yo ucan guess what has been going on since that update huh? Yep.. work work work.. but i been sleeping for like that the past 2 days so that's cool... anyway on the with update. (note: yay opening week at the kingdom)
May: Woo Hoo, I finally got a new computer and this whole 9.0 thing everybody talks about lol so i figured i'd throw down that random update i promised you cats last night.... (note: yay a brand new computer and an uodate of randomness... you should check out the updat before this one on my bday tho :) )
June: (it was the Create a Gangster thing everybody did...)
July (no updates in july--work work work)
August: Sometimes i just sit around.. i think about stuff that i shouldn't.. how life was.. how life should be.. wondering what happened? I have no clue.. life is weird like that sometimes.. when i take a glance back all i see is myself going up in a smoke screen.. wondering why? I wish i knew and wish i could help out such things but i can't....... (note: hah started off deep, but just talked about work functions)
September: Whoa, what has happened? I fell back into the lap of luxury and here i am again just to drop lil knowledge on your folks. (note; blah just talked about my staffing problems lol)
October: you know.. life is what you make of it, every day something so f'd up happens, somebody wants to kill another person, some one contiplates killin themselves, you never know what is gonna happen in this game we call life. (note: a very deep post, that no one responded to the deepest question known to man kind.. offensive.)
11) (HAD TO ADD A NUMBER FOR EVERYBODY ELSE..) Too $hort, KMK, Mack 10, 3-6 mafia, Marylin Manson, NIN, Nirvana ect ect ect (note: blah just a random survey thing..)
December: Hahaha so it appears in one of my schemes to get ahead in life and cheat everything that is known to mankind, since i have been going to sleep around 8ish (am) every day and waking up around 6ish (pm) every day, i have decide that today, i shall stay up all night once again.. (note: hahaha it worked :) )
well there you go blah.. you should do it too :)