a survey for your enjoyment

Dec 22, 2004 22:25

What color is most reflective of you?: RED

How did you get the idea for your diary name?: Chris Hero, Brent Blades, Nadia Nyce, Ulessha, Morris Illinois, the von erich family and the Wrestling Name Game...

What time were you born: ummm 8:22 am ;-).. lol not sure.. but i thik it was around then..

What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing?: umm something by haystak
Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?: more then you know.. Eazy E was the main one tho..

What color underwear are you wearing?: black drawls

Do you want a baby?: yea

What does your mom do for a living?: General Electric

What does your dad do for a living: no telling.. probably sell drugs or something else illegally sound

What is your pet's name?: Angel, the albino Boxer.. and some lil flying rat things that have no name

What color are your bedsheets?: blue

What are the last 3 digits of your phone number?: 373

What was the last concert you attended?: ICP

Who was with you?: my bro

What was the last movie you saw?: something was on last night but i dont remember paying attention so i will say Butterfly Effect-Director's Cut

Who do you dislike most at this moment?: to be honest... J.O., holla back

What food are you craving right now: some kinds Spicy Chicken

Did you dream last night: yea it was wild and fucked up... it involved a hotel room and a shit ton of people... real people, non-existant people.... shit was weird yo
What was the last tv show you watched: Louisville demolish Austin Peay

What is your fave piece of jewelry: my neklace with my Hatchetman Charm
What is to the left of you: a chair

What was the last thing you ate: Chicken Patties and Fries

Who is your best friend of the opposite sex:Brittney i would have to say.. but i have alot of em

Write a song lyric that's in your head: Could someone please tell me if there is really a hell, sometimes i think it's the only thing keeping me from killing my self--Haystak

What song is that from: Haystak--dont remember the name of the track tho
Who last imed you: Brittney

Where is your signifigant other right now: hmmm dead?

Do you have a crush?: crushes are non existent

What shampoo do you use?: what ever is available

When was the last time you cut your hair: the day before i went to the M I A

Are you on any meds: naw

Do you have a mental disease: nope

What shirt are you wearing: Darrel Griffith Throwback White 1980 ya dig?

What time is it: 10:25pm

What color is your razor: which one ho
What is your fave frozen treat?: hmmm

Are you sexy?: naw hahaha

Whats your favorite shopping store?: shopping is silly.. unless it is xmas

Are you thirsty: getting there

Can you imagine yourself ever getting married: possibly
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