So it's been an odd weekend. Umm lets see here. I went to go see Art School Confidential friday that was a good movie. If anyone ever when to art school they will feel that uneasy pain that is art school.
Saturday I went to Sadico. That was my first ever one and I had a blast. the music was fun the people were nice it was a good time.
Sunday I went to Asylum fetish ball. that was ok. the years before this one were way better. not only that but things with Julie and I were pretty rocky.
Monday (yesterday) I went to work, saw Julie umm broke up with her. dyed my hair this odd dark purple color while have The Smiths play in the background. Yea... it ws kinda ummm gay.
So I'm guessing you would like to know why and how I ended up braking up with Julie. Well I shall fill in the details.
Well it all started when this semester started. she was too busy with school home work and bunch of other stuff. And that kinda put a damper on most of our plans. She was to tired or to busy to do stuff with me. and you know I let that go. I let her do her stuff and went on with life. well after the first month of the semester pretty much all sex had stopped and I wasnt getting any, needless to say I was getting a bit pissed. That sparked a nice fight between us and that soon was over. We were still together and I lived with the fact that I wasnt going to get the sex that Julie and I used to have. As time went on we were doing ok just getting by doing home work working on photo stuff hanging out with friends and all that jazz. about a month ago Julie dropped a bomb on me and told me that after the summer we would end splitting up. The school year was going to be too much for her to have a boyfriend. She told me that if I want I can end it when ever I want. I told her no I'm gonna stick to my guns and work hard on this relationship. a few weeks went by school ended and nothing has changed. I wasnt getting any sex Julie was acting cold to me and I was under a state up total upset. About 2 weeks ago I told her that if she wants to at least be together with me till the end she should try to do somthing about us and do things on her end. She did. and it still wasnt much.
So last night I was with her, helping her do a few things and we started talking about us. I told her we're falling apart it's not working out and I want to end on a good note. Now I'm making my self sound a bit like an ass here and like I'm cold but I'll tell you I was the one who wanted to stay together. I mean Yes I cried my eyes out when I found out that we were on a down hill road to splitsvill. But you know I took heed and I wanted to just just end before I did something stupid or I hurt her or what ever. I told her that and she understood. So I let her know what I was feeling and she understood everything. Yes I was sad about it she was sad but I feel like like a waight was lifted off me.
I still love her and I still wish that we nerver had to end but nothing can be the way I want and I have come to turms with it. The last time I will be with her will be on 06-06-06 for a wedding that we both are invited too. I'm doing the photos and shes just a guest. Its for Jea my boss at Hydra. So right now I'm just helping her out and getting stuff back and you know what ever. Plus I have to lace her corset for the wedding so yea.
Now I'm not at all mad at her and I want to be her friend. Just I dont want to really be aound her for a month after next week. after that I'll be ok and I can hang out with her.
Umm So I'll just show some pics for you all now.
Me in Vinyl
Julie in a corset
My new hair with out hair stuff
A shaved cat
Yea pretty long post the longest I've done in a long time