Q from
abehusky: If you could drop everything to go pursue your dream job...what would this dream job be and why?
A: That's actually a really hard question for me. There are currently 3 "dream jobs" that I have. Instead of picking one of them at the moment, I'll just go into detail about all three.
1. Actor
I've always wanted to act. I had been in a few plays and a student film before, and I loved doing it. I've always wanted to see myself up on that big screen. I'm not really wanting to be all famous and chased after by paparazzi, but I do want to be known, I guess.
2. Musician in a band
I'm already a musician, but I want to be in a band again. But this time, I want to go all the way with it; make it a career. Again, this is an entertainment job, catching a trend here?
3. Telecommuting IT/Programming/Web Development
I'd like to do any of those three when it comes to computers. But I'd LOVE to telecommute. Nothing beats working while wearing whatever you want and whenever you want :)
I guess also, I might want to put Author, but it's mostly a side thing I do with my time, not really my dream job. So... I hope this answered your question, Abe!