Friday was just one of those days that make you go hmmmm. I am a documentation manager for my company. Which means I create and issue docs for the production floor. I routinely handle requests like below all the time.
Cast of Characters:
Emp1 - Quality co-worker
Emp2 - Production co-worker
Emp3 - Planning co-worker
Emp4 - Document co-worker
Docmgr - Me
Otrmgr - Other manager
pkmgr - floor manager
Bossman - my director
"the document" - the paperwork that I was to generate
Blue italics are my after comments
8:21am - get email from Emp1
Can you please prepare these "the document"? I don't need to answer this - it just gets done but I was working on another job at the time. I have never gotten a request from this person as it is Emp3 responsibility - I was not informed of when this was required.
10:20am - get email from Emp 2
Can I please have the number for "the document"?
10:29am - I email Emp2 with the requested information Documentation usually follows (but I was working on another job)
12:06pm - Email from Otrmgr(cc'd were all the people above except Emp4 & Bossman)
Emp2- moving forward if you do not have "the document", please do not bring paperwork into the my area as we can not release the job with out it.
There have been several occasions where we do not have "these documents" paperwork on time, and the line has to wait. This is news to me and I am the person creating "these documents" - define "on time"??
Let’s do this and see how it works.
Emp3- if you KNOW that a document is need on the line ASAP PLEASE say so. When so send an email requesting it, please let Docmgr know if it is a rush.
Docmgr- Please take this request as super important; we can not have lines waiting for something this simple. It take two minutes. Super important in an email? and NO it does not take 2 minutes... Really?
I have string of emails starting from 8:20 this morning, and now it is 12:00 and still do not have "the document". A string of emails?? I had 2 and I am creating "the documents".. ruh roh
Production can thank Emp1 for catching that "these documents should be done in the first place….
12:20 - My reply to Otrmgr (cc's all participants and included bossman)
Good Afternoon,
These documents are routinely created in a timely manner. Other documentation was being worked on/prepared this morning. In the future if the batch is rush, in lieu of an email a phone call directly to me would be better advised to inquire as to the status of the documents.
Thank you
12:22 - Otrmgr volleys back
Hi Docmgr,
I was told production has been waiting for this since first thing this morning, if you are busy, please talk to Bossman about training Emp4 to issue "the documents". It takes two minutes so it should be a problem. hmmm freudian slip - no problem if you communicate with me!
12:27 - My reply to the latest volley
Hi Otrmgr,
Had I been made aware that this was important as I stated - it would have been done. As it was the request did not come from planning as is the norm therefore it was not handled as a priority. The request for the lot number was received 2 hours after the initial email.
Although I acknowledge this was later than norm - I am aware of what is required.
12:31 - The last little jab from Otrmgr
All of this is well and good but a line stopped and 5 plus people are standing around due to this form. So this is why I sent the email. There are 5 people standing around for 4 hours and this is the first I have heard of it? No one could pick up a phone for 4 hours but you could write a nasty-gram? WTF
Thanks for your cooperation on this matter- and hopefully moving forward we will not have any issues.
12:46 - Bossman rides in on his white charger
Emp4, or other, can be trained going forward to release "the documents" but I agree with Docmgr on this. Direct communication would have worked better here. Contact Docmgr directly or call me on my cell and I’ll make sure the request is moved to the top of the list.
After which there was much rejoicing by me! The Otrmgr is famous for her passive-aggressive behavior!