May 02, 2008 10:57
Hiiiii~ :D Everyone should give me there number because I Like to text randomly, And normaly they funny, or just bitching about people I don't know And neither would you! Weee~!
Soo Much fun~! O: Bluuuuh
Does anyone play animal Crossing?
Do you actually do ANYTHING more that make your house pretty and Pay off Tom Nook!? UGH! Yeah its a totally cute game and all but OMG! Its getting so boring! xDDD Though I have to check the little shop everyday just to see if there is a piece of furniture that I like :B. I Haven't played on .hack in a while, But I compleated Part 1 Infection then part 2 mutaion, Now I'm on Part 3 outbreak, eh, I'd say I was about maaaybe... Half way through? I Have to have a break from games every now and again, simply becuase I end up getting really crap at it, and Bored. So When I have a break and come back to it I'm even better than I was before, I call it a gamers block~
Damn you AOI-CHAN Text me back BITCH! >
Noooo I will never get old, ^^ How silly, Me getting old~ Lol.
Yaaawwn, I wish college was over nowwww! I wanna' go hooome! Tonight is when my mum normaly makes curry, and the bitch better had, because I am hungreey~! :3 I gained half a stone~ So now the doctors says I'm a healthy 7 stone, I'm feeling a lot better too! xDDD My doctor is called doctor Loveday! xDD L O L! And he's really nice too xDDD There is also a doctor called Doctor Dyke~ xDDD.
Blaaah~ Update more later maybe~
Bai bai ;D