(no subject)

Dec 27, 2006 23:03

Toria's been feeling too tired to update recently :)

So, birthday was very good - lots of good presents (two volumes away from the entire HoME series - only Pippit's to go), and good company. :)

Christmas Day was good too - and for the first time in a few years I've not fallen asleep in the afternoon :D Though it's the first year that none of us have had pudding. Not even me. I hate being 21...

Boxing Day was not so good - my period started then. Wonderful. Hello cramp and pain and drugs. But today was worse. Today I had to take double doses, and that meant I passed out. Several times. See, it's bad enough when I take just one, 'cause I always get the 'may cause drowsiness' bit. Taking two? I cannot stop myself falling asleep.

But yes, me and Mum may be going to see the male Swan Lake this hols, and hopefully going round the Tower too, seeing as I'm writing a 5000 word essay on the thing it may be an idea to go look at it! :D
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