Dec 19, 2006 17:57
Despite the fact that London's one heck a lot colder than Lampy! :D
Going out tonight with my old schoolfriends, and get to meet Eimi's new boyfriend :)
My last Amazon parcel (that I was expecting, not necessarily that I'll order) got delivered, after having a card pushed through the door yesterday.
Got to catch up with various Lampy people over msn :D
Had an email back from Izzie too - was good to hear from her, even though she isn't able to make the 22nd. :)
And I have the prospect of three free shelves too! :D Though that does involve moving stuff to the loft. Ah well - three more bookshelves!! XD
A slight downside is that my Plaza account hasn't been re-activated yet, which, though irritating, isn't that crucial - the Racing season's just finished, and our next Drill match isn't until January :)
And now I'm off to make Green Thunder toasties again! Or goats-milk cheese toasties. Not entirely sure which yet. :D