Nov 28, 2007 16:18
One more week of instruction before finals, thank God/please God no
I have to get to writing four intense papers which is unfortunate at best but will have to happen because if not my GPA will be shot... please God, no.
In other news (better news) ben bought me my very own harness last week so I learned to lead climb on Saturday and have been abusing my self on the slab wall since... because I am retarded... basically. Lead climbing has made more sore than I have been in years and even though I vowed that I wouldn't work out to support my climbing I realized that I have to because my biceps are getting well worked and my triceps aren't thus the tendons in my elbows are aching at inopportune times (though to be fair I can't think of a good opportunity to have my elbows ache), so I started working with small weights today. I also am trying to make friends with the elliptical again, it only takes about a week for me to do that but its a painful miserable week. Basically I'm trying to build more strength not lose my pudge, the pudge is getting edged out by the muscle more and more so I'm not worried about it.
Ben has gotten into climbing and he is going twice a week now which is both excellent and less than excellent because I was already going three to four times a week I will now be going five to six times a week (like a crazy person.) I swear I never foresaw myself turning into a gym rat. I think I will have to cut back on my climbing hours though in the next couple of weeks because of the quarter finishing up.
Next quarter will be a lot of writing but hopefully more fun than this one has been. Also if you have a copy of Go Trabi Go with English subtitles let me know because I am having the worst time finding it, and I need to either get it watched or find excellent articles about it (in English).
*Also I got a ton of new underwear...I'm feeling spectacular about that.