(no subject)

Nov 25, 2004 09:25

Happy TFTFRS (Thanks For The Free Ride, Suckers) Day to One and All.

Or those that celebrate, I mean. So that'll be the Ankh-Morporkians among you. We don't have this Holiday back home, of course. As it's. Well. Home. And we built it all by ourselves, and all.

Okay, so the Whale Bones helped. And stuff.

But the point is . . .

Okay, so the historical point was buried in the Mists of Time. Something about Stolen Goods, if I remember correctly.

But the current point is: food.

Someone should probably let the Archchancellor know he doesn't have to shoot all the game for the feast himself. In fact, by the shouting that's just started, I'd guess that someone has.
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