Египет. Хроника сегодняшего дня.

Aug 14, 2013 22:55

В Египте сегодня введено чрезвычайное положение в провинциях Каир, Гиза, Александрия, Бехейра, Асьют, Сохаг, Кена.
Серьезные столкновения исламистов и сторонников нормального развития страны произошли в Луксоре. Сожжен отель "Хорус", ряд магазинов, началось мародерство. К вечеру столкновения в Луксоре были остановлены армией. В Александрии предотвращены попытки исламистов прорваться внутрь здания Национальной библиотеки.

Министерство по делам древностей закрыло на неопределенный срок все музеи и археологические зоны страны. Напряжение вызвано тем, что армия наконец-то разогнала сидячие демонстрации исламистов в Каире с помощью слезоточивого газа. Естественно, "Аль-Джазира" лжет как может и пишет о применении боевого оружия военными, чего не было.

Печально все это, но, увы, этого было не избежать.

UPD: мысли очевидца, Луксор

"Luxor on Fire - Looted Supermarket and Restaurants.

I bring you the worse new from Luxor that any of you would want to hear. Not even during the Revolution was it this bad.

I had to go into town to my Bank, it was closed which I thought was unusual, also there were no police outside. On my way into town I was passed by two wailing fire engines.

When I got into town, Snack Time and McDonalds had their windows protected by large blankets, all the shops along that side were closed. I went to the bakers opposite the Mosque; they had very little stock. From there I could see what was happening.

Three substantial buildings had been put to flames, one last night and others this morning. the buildings were a department store called Santa Clause, the Horus hotel and another large building. The streets were littered with rocks, stones and a burnt out police car; there had been a battle here. It looked like a war zone.

I met a guy I know and with him I visited the areas of the fires. I have never seen this kind of damage in Luxor. Four fire engines were tackling the fires and had them under control by the time I got there. One of the buildings had all its four floors burnt out. Another I could see a woman with a hose and young boy throwing buckets of water over smouldering debris. The crowd of on lookers were peaceful but a few were suspicious, so I was pleased to have my friend at my side who frequently spoke to some of them on my behalf. The damage in TV Street and around the Railway station was extensive with looting of a supermarket and two restaurants.

All has gone out of control here. No where did I see the police or the army.

I was told by Egyptian man that it was not the work of the Pro-Morsi supporters from Luxor but outsiders coming in to create mayhem and those not so mindful of the delicate situation of the tourist industry here in Luxor. I was also told that at 5-pm there would be more trouble to come. Even when I got to my final destination at Deir El Shayeb, I was told of the forth coming troubles at around 5-pm. in Luxor.

For my journalistic rewards I had picked up a few nails in my motorbike tyre from the debris in the streets. I got as far as Deir El Shayeb before my bike handling indicated a flat tyre. Had to drive it slowly to get to a tyre shop and get it fixed. Two police check points were very kind in indicating to me where the tyre shop was located. I gave them a polite wave on my return to the West Bank in which they returned the wave.

Luxor tonight is definitely not the place to be for a foreigner.

It is very sad indeed to see this level of violence here in Luxor when things are already very hard, especially when peoples hopes are for things to quieten down with the hopeful outcome of tourists once again arriving in numbers."

хаос, зло, Египет

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