As if yesterday could get any better - I know I've been updating like mad lately, but I wanted to show you guys the best reason why yesterday was amazing.
This is what I saw with my own eyes last night. Well, through a telescope, but own eyes. Not a picture, not an artist's rendering, not a computer model. This is what I fucking saw in the sky, and now I want a telescope.
It was actually such a good night that we could see Titan too, one of Saturn's moons! Unbelievable!
I also saw the whirlpool galaxy, which is like 30 million light years away (I was seeing ooooold light), a beautiful globular cluster, an open cluster, and Mars (not nearly as impressive as Saturn). I love the winter sky!!
Oh yes today is also my last day of classes. I only have creative writing left, and I think we're covertly drinking in it. I have no Tuesday or Thursday classes, and all my morning M-W-F classes finished in this past week. My Friday afternoon seminar ended a couple of weeks ago. So apart from the work, it's all over for me! :(