Sep 13, 2007 11:23
Group related items
a) The author placed the title of the establishment in the upper middle of the card, where you would usually begin reading, and put it in a large, bold font to attract attention. All the information on the card that is related is grouped together, like the title and owners name, and the address and phone number.
b) The author changed the size of the font, and made the title look stronger and bolder. The related items, like the subtitle and title, and the information and date are grouped together as well. The fonts of the less important details are smaller and not bold.
c) This poster was changed by enlarging the photo and putting it in the background of the poster. The dates and names of each concert are grouped together, with the title text larger and bold. The address and information of the concerts is at the bottom, and in a smaller text.
d) The title of the poster is enlarged and placed in the upper corner of the page, with the image larger and to the other side. The information is grouped together with the titles of each group slightly larger, and spaces in between each group. Information is located at the bottom corner of the page with smaller font.
e) The website was changed by organizing related information and creating columns and different sized texts to be more appealing.
a) The basic purpose of proximity is to group related items together, creating organization and making items more appealing to the eye, which means it is more likely the information will be remembered.
b)Four things to avoid would be not to put things in the corners or the middle of the article, leaving equal amounts of white space between elements(unless part of a subject) too many separate elements, and creating relationships between elements that don’t belong together.