Dec 10, 2003 01:07
When you plaster yourself all over the internet in all venues possible, you shouldn't be surprised when people recognize you in person by your screenname. Still, I can't help but get a little freaked out when it happens, not to say that it happens to me all the time. Unlike our infamous ms. bostonbebe, I'm just another insignificant binary code on the world wide web.
Last week, I went to American Eagle with Mimi and the salesguy came up to us, said, "I remembered you from Friendster, you're something something v." Yup, my insignificant binary code days are over, just the way I like it! All my hard work whoring online paid off! hehehe jk. So anyways, I was talking to him on aim last night for the first time, and after talking to him, I don't know if I am ready for this stardom:
B: if i had to guess....
B: and be some what of a stalker
B: .....
B: this is gonna be scary
B: ....
B: are you sitting down?
for a hot second i was like, "wait. you can see what I'm doing???"
B: i would have to say that you own an AE s/s purple shirt
B: that has FRESH on it
B: am i right?
B: i think that was either the first or the last time i saw you come it
B: you were wearing that
B: which i thought was odd
B: cus you were wearing nice jeans and some killer heels
B: yeah but you dont seem like an AE gurl
Indeed I do. It made sense at this point to tell him he has an outstanding memory. Those were probably my fav 7 jeans I was wearing and plus I was going to the mall, who was I going to impress? Yea coz I'm a Wal-Mart kinda girl =)
B: wanna know something else that i remember?
I should have said no at this point...
B: you have a motorola flip phone
B: t720
B: verizon
v: right, right, wrong
I don't even remember the model of my own phone
B: its sliver
B: you were talking on it when you came in once
v: i dont know if i should be flattered or freaked out
B: i remember that time you came in cus i was trying to be nice and do my job for once
B: and you just blew me off
B: second rate citizen style
B: then you came in once or twice more and i didnt say anything to you because of that
impossible coz I have great shopping manners
B: i think i just said hi
B: and you gave me a look like....
B: i dont know.... "you speak english?"
B: and then i tried helping get something outta pile
B: i was trying to not have you tear through the pile
B: and you were like... "I GOT IT... THANKsSsS"
hello! I did say thanks.
for the record, I'm not one of those crazy shoppers who pick things up and just throw them everywhere!!! I try to be very considerate when shopping.