May 19, 2010 11:49
That muble muble carpet of Griffith's is out of control! Haddoni typically max out around 18" in diameter but they can get to 24" or more and his is trying for the "or more" size range. They are also supposed to be slow growers but I'm calling bull**** on that one! This thing is growing at an alarming rate.
So anyway, I sat down last night to go over stuff with hubby, glance at his tank and see the bitch and the idiot 6 line (who keeps swimming through the carpet) but no yellow tang or male clown. We start hunting around and checking for them, pull out the filter socks etc. but can't find them. It seems the carpet ate them both! I'm not surprised about the tang, it was fairly mellow and had already been stung once but the male ocellaris never went near it. We had actually hoped that the pair would host to the carpet but being tank bred they are not as inclined to host. I've been waiting for the wrasse to be dinner ever since the carpet was put in the tank since it is either really brave or really stupid and will pull food from the carpets mouth but it is still swimming around happy as could be. I don't mind the carpet snacking on snails, although I was pissed he ate the fighting conch, and the yellow tang doesn't really bother me but we were so close to having a mated pair of clowns! I don't want to bred orange ocellaris but it would be nice to have a pair that doesn't try to beat each other up. On the other hand if the black ocellaris pair is doing really well and if they become a mated pair I might try my hand at raising fry. They are still a year or two from sexual maturity but I'm in no rush to deal with that anyway.