Mar 19, 2008 23:00
You are like a drug- crackhome. The drama is the most active ingredient, then comes the desire to be accepted, and last but most certainly not least, the art. Its a vicious and sad cycle really. So many little clicks of meaningless pixelated people that half of us won't ever meet, and therefore they are meaningless individuals. They don't effect our daily productive lives, they aren't apart of the decisions we make, unless of course you're Emo and need that other person on the side of the world that says they care. They don't. So please, go ahead and slit your wrists. Just remember! Its up the street, not across.
I've met a fair few regular's of Crackhome. Stephanie, Christy, Jilly, Jessy, Cheshire, and Kina are my 'favorites'. They are basically the only ones I would sacrifice my time, money and emotion for. Other than that? I don't rightly give a fuck about any of you. Sorry. I don't. There are a few of which I'd like to meet, and I do infact care about despite the fact they're still pixelated; Silence/Rachel, Shadz/Sara, Shivra/Khai, Kirazi/Amy, Zeek, Mif, Hera/Stephanie and Bugfinder/Jim. Anyone else? Ehh, it's quite obvious if I can't think of you at the present time, I don't care.
I've developed and worked hard on the relationships I hold dear. If we bullshit around, we aren't 'friends'. Not really. I don't tell you important factors of my life, I don't rely on you. I've given a whole hell of a lot to people I care for. Why? Because I can't stand to see them suffering. But Crackhome seems to be the demonic whore of us all. It's so incredibly controlling, and to THINK PEOPLE GET SUICIDAL OVER IT!!!!!! I mean for FUCKS SAKE!
Crackhome promotes people that have NO business being admins. Either because they don't show up, they are brown nosing fucks that have the breath of shit because they kiss so much ass, or they are two faced lying son's abitches that need an attitude adjustment- such as a foot crammed up the ass.
Now lets talk about this whole "You're either on board, or you don't participate." So...If I'm an admin and I don't agree with a decision made, this MUST MEAN I'm a poor sport, I don't like to play fair, and I'm against Crackhome. Fuck that. I don't agree with HALF the shit that happens on Crackhome. For example bans. Ban's for voicing opinions in PRIVATE ROOMS ABOUT OTHER ADMINS THAT DON'T DO THEIR GOD DAMN JOB!
So. Needless to say. I've realized how much emotion and time I've put into Crackhome and it's users. Too much time and emotion. I've gotten NOTHING back.
Have a nice day assholes.
Oh and this IS public. So feel free to waste time flaming like an idiot emo crackhome cultist.