So basically we have a new neighbor upstairs. My roommates and I figured the other ones moved out when we heard people dramatically throwing their shit down the stairs (and probably almost breaking the stairs). Anyway, the other day I was taking out the garbage and as I returned I walked into my patio and see a face above me screech "Why hello! I'm your new neighbor! I'm (enter name here)" I'm so bad. I totally forgot his name. Something with a G. He was old and creepy so I think my brain went into sudden "need to block you" mode. He kind of scared me so I think my body released adrenaline at that point and turned on the "flight" light and I quickly responded "Hi, I'm Tatiana! Nice to meet you!" and zoomed inside. It may be antisocial of me, but I really don't care to know my neighbors. I mean, it's different when you live in a house, or own your place. But I don't really need to make friends with 40 year old men. To make matters worse, he's a smoker, and the smoke trails into my bedroom window miraculously. The old neighbors smoked weed. That did not bother me. I guess the trade off is, so far this guy hasn't had really loud jackrabbit sex.
In other news, I can't wait to get home. The plan for the evening includes:
-watching Disc 2 of Twin Peaks
-draw thumbnails for Linh's non-profit org dinner website and flyer
-eat dinner
-go to sleep early (hopefully around 10:30ish)
-do laundry and clean my room
So after a second attempt at reading On the Road by Jack Kerouac, I have decided to put it down yet again. I got to page 150 and realized that it was STILL boring and that I STILL did not care about any of the 500 characters he introduces. Too many characters, too little plot. Way too scattered for me. I really like Dharma Bums, so I'm kind of disappointed that this book was so lame. Maybe I'm just not sophisticated enough to appreciate it? Who knows. Whatever. I am now reading The Nanny Diaries. Not the best chick lit I've read, but it's alright so far. It's kind of funny, and the writing is pretty smart. Also on my current reading list is a book I'm borrowing from cathy called The Bridesmaid Guide: Etiquette, Parties and Being Fabulous. I figure it will help me be a better bridesmaid, because right now I feel like I suck at it, and I don't want to be disappointing. So we'll see what I learn.