When it comes to Pet Society, I'm really picky about what Tea Leaf wears, how she looks, and how her house is arranged, at all all times. Much like everything else that comes to kawaii design and gaming, I'm a perfectionist.
These are a few of Tea Leaf's looks. Currently, Tea Leaf is sporting the second outfit from the left. I don't change her outfit too often, because I really take pride in the combination of clothing items that I pick out for her. I like to make sure I get to really enjoy each outfit before changing it. I found that, even though Tea Leaf changes her look, her overall style remains the same. <3 (I've also found that she usually has to wear some type of mask or something on her face. She especially loves the monocle.)
After looking around Tea Leaf's house and some of the screen shots I've taken of her, I've realized that my obsession with pink in my own life has taken over my Pet Society life as well. ^///^ Oopsie!