Apr 22, 2009 16:19
Many of us have the power to abuse the fruit of vines,
to try and to attempt in making our uselessness become
something more. These voids however have the power
to turn to failure, turning into something more vital.
The sense of emptiness will always be reflected, assisting
in allowing and permitting public emptiness to last forever.
Denial amongst the public is being poured upon every
individual within, however it is being denied, causing neither
language nor depiction of what it actually being denied to be proclaimed-
A continuous struggle to act upon normality.
Drugs and Alcohol offer a pardon- a substitute to fill and include
what the community has seemed to have forgotten.
The memory of what friendship had never shown is collected and kept.
Anomie, Amnesia, alcohol and drugs all work as one, to become the
social controllers within our community.
Persuading us to believe, and to think that they are ‘normal’,
but this can be and cause more effectiveness than what is believed,
once in the presence of a large and powerful country.
This is replaced and accepted, rather than being
terrorized by nothing other than a secret police.