Ceno's admittance of his own abuse. #NitwitNews

Dec 05, 2013 00:32

Sticking to his guns, and flawed the whole time, Ceno's been doing his usual lousy job of interepreting of the facts. He thinks anything he uploads to yfrog is copyrighted, but he only read the section of their Terms of Service that he thought supported that point.

He linked to their rules but some of us didn't just read the part about copyrights but the entire document. The flaw in a literal interpretation of those rules, and Ceno's twisted spin on it, is that if you take how he puts it literally then if he uploaded a Batman comic book to his yfrog, well that doesn't mean it's copyrighted to him.

What Ceno uploaded, that he keeps failing to defend (though he's probably too dense to realize it) is a conversation with another person. That person blocked him, he posted the screenshot of their conversation so he could start harassing that person's husband.

That's what killed his point. Posting content involving another person on its own nixed te copyright, but using that screenshot as part of a campaign to abuse her and someone close to her definitely did it in.

Tunnel vision thy name is Ceno.

He uploaded a pic to harass other people with, in an ongoing stalking/cyberbullying act. By yfrog's own terms of service, he broke their rules on abuse.

They've already been informed. Just a matter of time.


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