Jan 12, 2009 16:25
"Write 25 random things about yourself, and then tag 5 others". Tagging 5 other people will be a challenge for me... em, I don't know any others on lj. Eek
1. I used to be phat.
2. I don't like the smell of most aftershaves or men's perfumes - i prefer to smell like something you can eat. =0
3. I look up to people with any kind of artistic skill.
4. I prefer my anime in japanese, thank you. Plus, the Japanese voices are so much better. A few have good english voices, buuut Japanese for the majority.
5. I despise authority, or at least those who attempt to enforce it mindlessly and without question. These people are the epitome of what you would call 'ugly'.
6. 'Ugly', for me, is more dependant on someone's personality.
7. Paris Hilton is NOT attractive.
8. I'm a veteran WoW'er. I wouldn't be any good at it anymore though, what with all the new additions and expansions Blizz have released. 8 mil players, holy shit...
9. I like to condsider myself to be an artistic person. I enjoy making 3d things, but I also like to sketch a lot.
10. As of a few days ago, I started my own sketch-a-day project. It's going good, but I'd like to vary my work somewhat.
11. The future scares me. Lots.
12. I don't have much faith in a God, or some other kind of supernatural power, but I know it's comforting to sometimes imagine that there's someone who's always by your side when you need them.
13. I can argue a point... um, fairly well. Sometimes.
14. I manage time very poorly. I'm always aware of the hours I have left in a day, and I try my best to, always, plan what's the best I could do in those hours. I don't always follow through, but I am really working on that.
15. I appreciate when friends are their to show me where I slip up.
16. I very much enjoy typing in lol/leet-speak.
17. I also enjoy web comics - especially when there's good creative influence in them. Questionable Content and XKCD are two of my favourites. I idolise intelligent people, and I don't just mean academically intelligent.
18. Music can be a great comfort and amplifier of moods. Piano and violin are especially beautiful, but any music can also be so.
19. Even when I write for myself I don't feel comfortable writing with loose grammar. Perhaps when I scribble I'm more comfortable.
20. 5 more to go. I think I'm fairly more um, emotional, than most people of my gender.
21. I LOVE GOOD FILMS! Three fav's: Edward Scissorhands, Fight Club, American Psycho.
22. Most of the important life lessons I've learnt over the past few major years of my life I've learned through making huge mistakes. Something tells me sometimes there aren't many other ways to learn. It's regrettable, it's a shame.
23. Being positive just for the sake of it is almost like lying to yourself. Trying isn't so bad, though.
24. If I'm ever especially apathetic about life in general, I somtimes imagine a creationist's God slapping me in the face and yelling to me to do something with the amazing gift I've been given.
25. My friends always tend to make me happy, I'm so thankful for that, even though I can't express it properly to some of them >_<